Wine for colds
In the off-season, the risk of getting sick increases significantly. Folk methods of treatment are used, one of which is hot wine. We figure out how safe it is to use it for a cold

In our country, respiratory infections or, as they are popularly called, colds, occupy the lion’s share (80-90%) of all registered seasonal diseases. (1) And at the first symptoms of malaise, many first resort to home remedies, among which is the use of wine for colds.

Wine is an alcoholic beverage obtained during the complete or partial alcoholic fermentation of grapes. Simply put, fermented grape juice.

Wine for colds

Heated wine is rich in trace elements and amino acids that have a beneficial effect on the human body. However, its usefulness in the treatment of colds is exaggerated. The use of wine, like any other alcoholic beverage, has a number of contraindications.

It should be used with caution in the prevention and treatment of colds, after consulting with a specialist. We find out from an expert how to drink wine with a cold.

Is it possible to drink wine with a cold

During illness, the sensitivity of the receptors is significantly dulled, which will not allow you to enjoy the taste and aroma of wine. According to the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, it is not worth consuming alcohol-containing drinks in any form and quantity during a cold. (2) Alcohol is incompatible with most cold medicines and can cause unpredictable body reactions.

In the acute stage of the disease, when the bacteria in the body have already multiplied, drinking wine can worsen the course of the disease. However, as a preventive measure, at the initial stage of the disease, useful substances in the composition of hot wine can stop some of the microorganisms and boost immunity.

But this method of prevention is not suitable for everyone and not always.

The chemical composition of the drink includes more than 600 useful components.

vitaminsB1, B2, B3, B6, PP, pantothenic acid, C
mineralsPotassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus
microelementsIron, zinc, fluorine, iodine
phenolic compoundsPhenolic acids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, tannins, resveratrol

Red hot wine for colds

Red is considered the most useful of wines. Its value is enhanced by resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant found in grape skins.

The drink has an antibacterial effect. Proanthocyanidin in its composition negatively affects some pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, wine increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal microflora, weakened during illness.

Red wine is an antioxidant. Eliminates free radicals, stops the spread of cancer cells, improves immunity and stimulates the release of histamine, which helps in the fight against allergens.

Heated natural red wine can be used to prevent colds, reduce cough, runny nose and sore throat. In small amounts, it helps to reduce anxiety, helps in the fight against concomitant depressive mood and emotional instability, relieving stress and relaxing the patient.

The beneficial effect of natural red wine can be enhanced by adding various medicinal additives in the form of honey, spices, nuts, fruits and berries. Various combinations of ingredients will allow you to cook delicious mulled wine, the use of which will help strengthen the immune system, relieve muscle and headache.

Under the influence of a hot drink, blood circulation increases, which speeds up the process of removing toxins from the body. Wine disinfects the mucous membrane, reducing inflammation. It can be noted its effect on the respiratory tract. Warm wine stimulates the liquefaction of sputum, which accelerates the restoration of the bronchial drainage system.

But any red wine is a fairly strong allergen. Additional ingredients in mulled wine, such as cloves and orange, can also cause allergies. Therefore, it must be used with extreme caution. And in small quantities – no more than 100 ml.

White wine for colds

Wine for colds

Dry white wine also contains some antioxidants. Tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol in the composition of the drink has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Red wine contains more antioxidants and organic iron, which activates the immune system in the initial stages of the disease. But homemade white wine in small quantities is also suitable for the prevention of colds.

It is homemade wine: when you can be sure of the naturalness of the composition, this is important during the period of illness.

Pay attention to some features of white wine that can neutralize its medicinal properties. It increases acidity in the gastrointestinal tract, which can cause spasms, gastritis, or stomach ulcers.

Wine for Cold recipes

The best way to prevent and treat the first symptoms of colds is to drink drinks from heated wine with various additives. It’s about mulled wine. A heated drink enhances the effect of medicinal ingredients. So that spices and spices do not damage the sore throat, the mixture must be filtered through a sieve before serving.

When preparing hot drinks from wine, it is extremely important to monitor the temperature. The maximum temperature should be 70 degrees. If the wine is heated too much, it will lose its beneficial properties, most of the alcohol will evaporate, and the taste will become bland and unattractive.

Classic mulled wine

Wine for colds

Red house wine700 ml
Hot water0,5 glasses
dried cloves7 buds
Nutmeg0,5 tsp
crushed cinnamon0,5 tsp
Sugar2 Art. spoons

Boil the cloves and nutmeg in a small saucepan with hot water. In another saucepan, heat homemade red wine to about 60 degrees, add sugar and cinnamon. Once the sugar has dissolved, remove the mixture from the heat and stir well. Pour hot water with cloves and nutmeg into heated wine.

The drink should be consumed warm.

Warm wine with honey

Wine for colds

White wine500 ml
crushed cinnamon0,5 tsp
Natural honey4 Art. spoons
dried cloves6 buds
Dried star anise4 piece.

Mix the ingredients in one bowl and heat the drink over low heat, stirring it until the honey is completely dissolved. After the mixture has heated to 60 degrees, immediately remove it from the heat, strain and serve. It is important to monitor the temperature, since honey loses its beneficial properties and begins to release toxic substances when heated strongly.

How to take wine with a cold

Drinking wine with a cold is recommended from glass or ceramic dishes, before going to bed, covered with a warm blanket. A warm drink will relieve unpleasant symptoms, help the body warm up, relax and fall asleep.

In small doses, in the prevention and treatment of the first symptoms of a cold, the use of homemade wine does not have negative consequences for the body. Exceeding the recommended doses entails a decrease in beneficial effects and an increase in negative ones. Due to ethanol, which is present in all alcoholic beverages, including wine, abuse can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, increased blood pressure, the formation of alcoholism, or provoke cancer of the throat, esophagus, or stomach.

Excessive drinking of wine is fraught with headaches and asthma attacks.

The use of wine for colds has a number of complete restrictions. It is contraindicated in children, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases of the stomach, kidneys, liver, nervous system and allergic reactions. And before drinking hot wine, you should first consult a doctor.

Popular questions and answers

Physiotherapist answers popular questions about the effect of wine on the body with a cold.

How much wine can you drink a day with a cold?

Despite all the beneficial properties of wine, alcohol harms the human body. Therefore, before drinking wine for a cold, it is worth analyzing the possible harm and potential risks. In the scientific community, the daily recommended norm for drinking wine is widely known. For men, this is one glass or 100-150 ml. For women, this is half the daily norm of men or 50-75 ml.

Can I give wine for a cold to a child?

During a cold, drinking alcohol is highly undesirable, especially for children. Despite the high content of nutrients in homemade wine, even the smallest doses can harm the child’s body, causing alcohol poisoning.

Does mulled wine help with colds?

Mulled wine can relieve symptoms, but the effect is mainly due to the content of spices and seasonings in the drink. If you prepare a similar drink that does not contain wine, but tea or juice, the effect will be the same, and the load on the liver will be lower.

Sources of

  1. Shirokova I. Behavior of s with colds and flu: assessments of sociologists and analysts / I. Shirokova., I. Sidorova // Remedium. – 2015. – No. 10. – URL:
  2. Official website of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare. – URL:

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