Wine and blackberry liqueur: 5 recipes at home

Alcohol makers love blackberries because of their exquisite taste in alcoholic beverages. Shake it up, decided to keep up with the trends and invites you to try making wine and liqueurs from blackberries at home.

They also cook from blackberries: liqueurs and tinctures, syrup

Classic blackberry wine recipe


  1. Blackberries – 1 kg

  2. Water – 3 liters of water

  3. For sugar syrup: 1,5 liters of water, 1,7 kg of sugar, 300 g of lime or flower honey

Method of preparation

  1. Sort ripe blackberries, rinse in a colander, let the water drain, mash.

  2. Put the resulting juice and pulp into a 10-liter bottle, pour warm water, tie the neck with gauze and keep in a warm room for 4 days at a temperature of + 20-27 degrees.

  3. Pass the aged tincture through a clean filter of 4 layers of gauze.

  4. Squeeze out the remaining pulp and pour the juice into a clean bottle. Next, add sugar syrup to it.

  5. Put a water seal or a pierced medical glove on the bottle and put the bottle in a warm place for fermentation, which lasts from 25 to 50 days (depending on the room temperature).

  6. Fermentation is over when no gas bubbles appear in the water seal glass, the yeast settles to the bottom of the bottle, and the wine partially self-clarifies. During fermentation, the tightness of the cylinder should be checked regularly. To clarify the resulting wine: decant it into a clean bottle, put a water seal again, take it to a cold room and keep it there for 2 months.

  7. Drain the finished wine with a siphon and bottle it. They can be corked with plastic stoppers, and the neck can be filled with molten resin or sealing wax. The wine is stored in a dry, dark room, the bottles are placed horizontally.

  8. To get a semi-sweet or sweet wine, the amount of sugar for the indicated weight of berries is increased by 0,5-1 kg.

Intense blackberry wine


  1. Blackberries – 5 kg

  2. Water – 10 l

  3. Sugar – 3 kg

  4. Honey – 500 g

Method of preparation

  1. Sort the blackberries, wash, dry, pour into a stainless steel bowl and mash with a wooden pestle, then pour 6 liters of water.

  2. Put for 4 days in a cool place.

  3. Then strain the mass through a sieve, separate the liquid, mash the berries again and pour the remaining water (4 l). Leave to infuse for 6 hours.

  4. Then strain the mass through a sieve and remove the pulp. Mix all the resulting liquid, add sugar, honey, stir thoroughly until they dissolve and pour into a 10-liter barrel or bottle, close and put in a cool place.

  5. The fermentation process takes 5 months, after which a wonderful aromatic wine is obtained.

  6. Wine yield – 7 liters.

Alternative recipe for blackberry wine

Tartaric and tannic acids can be bought in the same place as wine yeast. But, however, it is quite possible to do without them – if the juice does not seem sour to you, you can add 20-25 grams of citric acid or its equivalent in lemon juice to the must.


  1. Blackberries – 12 kg

  2. Sugar – 3 kg

  3. Tartaric and tannic acid – 30 g each

  4. Yeast – 1 sachet

Method of preparation

  1. Squeeze the juice from the blackberry, from the indicated amount you should get about 8 liters of pure juice.

  2. Add sugar and acids to the juice, then stir until completely dissolved.

  3. Separately, in a small amount of wort, we dilute the yeast – as it is written on their packaging. We add them to the juice and send everything to a bottle with a water seal or with a pierced glove.

  4. Rapid fermentation on CKD (pure yeast cultures) is faster than on wild yeast – in 5-14 days.

  5. Then the young wine is poured into a smaller bottle – so that the container is 4/5 full. A water seal is put on the bottle again and it goes to a dark, cool place for fermentation.

  6. Quiet fermentation will take about 1-2 months. During this period, the wine must be periodically removed from the sediment.

  7. After the end of the manifestation of any signs of fermentation (gases cease to be released, the glove deflates), the drink is ready.

  8. Taste the wine, if it seems too sour to you, you can sweeten it further, but in this case, you will need to send the wine to fermentation.

Classic blackberry liqueur recipe


  1. Blackberries – 1 kg

  2. Sugar – 1,5 kg

  3. Water – 1,5 L

  4. Vodka or alcohol – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. Sort out ripe blackberries, put them in a wide-mouth bottle and pour strong vodka or alcohol.

  2. Keep in the sun for 5-6 weeks, then strain the contents of the bottle and squeeze through gauze in 4-5 layers.

  3. Mix the resulting mass with sugar syrup, and then filter 1-2 times, pour into bottles and cork well.

Blackberry liqueur with cognac


  1. Water – 1 L

  2. Cognac – 50 ml

  3. Blackberries – 1,5 kg

  4. Sugar – 350 g sugar

  5. Wine stone – 1 g

Method of preparation

  1. Sort the berries, select in the right amount and mash.

  2. Squeeze juice through gauze, mix with water.

  3. Leave at room temperature for 4-5 days.

  4. Strain, add sugar and cream of tartar, pour into a jar, cover with gauze and put on fermentation.

  5. After the end of fermentation, strain the resulting liquid, add cognac and bottle. Store in a cool and dark place.

Relevance: 30.07.2018

Tags: Wine and Vermouth, Wine Recipes, Liqueur Recipes

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