Win with cataracts – get rid of your glasses and regain the comfort of life
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Cataract, or cataract, is a problem that mainly affects the elderly. In Poland, about a million patients suffer from it. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this disease is one of the most common causes of blindness. An intraocular lens is a chance to regain vision. How does it work and who was it created for?

What is cataract?

One of the most commonly diagnosed eye diseases is cataract. It is a pathological clouding of the lens behind the iris in the pupil. The disease is most often associated with advanced age and is then referred to as senile cataract. It is not fully known what causes it, but it is believed that it may be associated with metabolic disorders in the aging processes of the body. In some cases, cataracts may occur as a result of an eyeball injury, long-term use of corticosteroids, or inflammation of the uveal membrane. It also often develops in people with diabetes.

Cataract symptoms

Due to the clouding of the lens, the light rays encounter an obstacle on their way to the retina. This manifests as blurred vision resembling a hazy image. However, cataract symptoms develop very slowly. Initially, they may not be felt enough for the patient to see an ophthalmologist. Over time, the patient has the impression that he is looking at the world through a dirty window.

Common symptoms of cataracts are:

  1. blurred vision
  2. sensitivity to light,
  3. double vision
  4. perception of faded colors,
  5. frequent visits to the ophthalmologist due to the need to change glasses or contact lenses,
  6. problems with night vision,
  7. seeing halos around lights.

Cataract diagnosis requires an operation to remove the natural, cloudy lens and replace it with a modern intraocular lens. As an auxiliary, you can use drops that slow down the lens clouding process.

How is cataract diagnosed?

Diagnosing cataracts is a standard procedure for an ophthalmologist. On a physical examination, he finds problems with blurred vision. The next step is a physical examination of the eyeball using a biomicroscope. Sometimes, especially in the case of mature cataracts, it is necessary to perform additional ultrasound examinations in the B view (USG B), the specialist must make sure that there is no retinal detachment.

Life without cataracts – the PanOptix ® lens

One of the most modern solutions in the field of ophthalmology are trifocal lenses. Worldwide, over 100 million such products have already been successfully implanted, which has improved the quality of life of cataract patients. The PanOptix® lens is an innovative solution that not only removes cataracts, but also corrects a vision defect. Thanks to it, the patient can see clearly up close, at a distance and at an intermediate distance. It is recommended primarily to people who value an active life without restrictions. PanOptix ® also eliminates the problem of frequent replacement of glasses intended for reading books or newspapers for those intended for driving. The problem of discomfort disappears for life.

By choosing a PanOptix® lens, you have the chance to get rid of your glasses and start a better life.

Who is PanOptix ® for?

The PanOptix® lens has been designed for cataract patients 55+. In addition, it is an excellent solution for people 40+ who decide to undergo refractive lens replacement (RLE). In this case, the patient can be sure that cataracts will not develop in old age.

The PanOptix® lens is classified as a premium product, and its implantation service can only be used in private ophthalmology clinics. It is worth taking advantage of this solution, because once implanted the lens serves the patient throughout his life, which visibly increases the comfort during everyday activities. This is particularly important for seniors who remain professionally active and value daily physical activity.

See the stories of patients who chose to have PanOptix ® lens implants.

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