Remontant varieties of strawberries or garden strawberries have been especially popular among gardeners in recent years. And this is not surprising, since they allow you to harvest several times during the growing season and, thus, be able to enjoy delicious and fresh berries almost all year round. But you need to understand that remontant varieties have several features that must be taken into account so as not to be disappointed in the process of their cultivation.
Vima Rina is a typical representative of remontant strawberries, a description of the variety, reviews and photos of which you can find in this article. It is included in the Dutch series of strawberry varieties under the common name Wima. But of the four most famous varieties of this series – Zanta, Rina, Xima, Tarda, only she is remontant. And not just remontant, but also strawberries of a neutral day.
Repair strawberry, what is it
The very concept of remontance in relation to any plants only implies their ability to multiple flowering and fruiting throughout the entire vegetative period. As for strawberries, besides this, there are varieties of short, neutral and long day. The former have been familiar to all gardeners since ancient times and are typical representatives of traditional strawberries with fruit ripening once a season. Budding in them occurs only with a short day (less than 12 hours), usually at the end of summer and autumn.
Strawberries of a long daylight hours lay flower buds with a day length of about 16-17 hours. It can produce two or three crops during the warm season, so it can rightly be attributed to remontant varieties.
Therefore, in greenhouse conditions, these strawberry varieties can be easily grown year-round. The process of budding in these varieties occurs in cycles, each of which takes approximately six weeks. Therefore, in open ground, depending on the climatic conditions of the region, strawberry varieties of this type can produce from two to four fruiting waves per season.
Abroad, the concepts of a remontant strawberry and a neutral day have practically merged into one, since in them almost all remontant strawberry varieties are a priori varieties of a neutral day. In our country, it is customary to distinguish between these concepts, since sometimes there are varieties of strawberries with a long daylight hours, for example, Garland, Moscow delicacy, Temptation f1, Tuscany f1 and others.
Variety description
Wim Rhin’s strawberry was obtained by the breeders of the Dutch company “Vissers” by random sowing of seeds. The parental varieties of Wim Rina are not exactly known, but judging by the description of the variety and characteristics, the Selva strawberry variety wormed its way among its predecessors.
Wim Rina strawberry bushes are powerful, have a significant growth force, medium spreading. They grow a large number of leaves that can protect the berries from the strong sun in hot weather. The leaves themselves are medium in size, painted in a light green color. The surface of the leaf is convex, strongly ribbed and shiny, decorated with small teeth along the edges. The flowers, growing to the same level with the leaves, are medium in size and have a traditional white color. The inflorescences are scattered in different directions on a long pedicel.
Wim Rin strawberries form very few whiskers, so propagation in the traditional way is difficult. You can use seed propagation, as well as use the division of bushes every two to three years. But the care of the bushes thanks to this is greatly simplified.
This variety of strawberries is characterized by high winter hardiness and moderate drought tolerance.
It is not in vain that the Vima Rina variety is very popular with both summer residents and farmers – it is able to demonstrate high yields – from 800 to 1200 grams of berries can be harvested from one bush during the warm season.
When grown in a heated greenhouse and additional lighting, the berries can ripen until the New Year. Then the bushes need a short break of 2-3 months, and with continued competent care, the next crop may appear starting from April-May.
If you grow Wim Rin’s strawberries under ordinary film shelters, then the first harvest can be obtained as early as May and fruiting will last until November. In the open field, on average, 2-3 waves of harvest are obtained from this strawberry variety, from June to the first frost.
If the bushes are properly cared for, they show good resistance to most of the most traditional diseases.
Characteristics of berries
In general, Wim Rin’s strawberries are considered one of the best remontant varieties, primarily in terms of their taste.
- The berries have a slightly elongated conical shape of a rich bright red color with a pronounced beautiful gloss. The seeds are very small and are not felt at all when eating.
- The flesh is also red, quite dense, although it does not have the characteristic crunchiness of other remontant varieties, such as Albion.
- The berries of this variety are of a large-fruited type, their average weight is 35-45 grams, although under good care conditions, specimens weighing up to 70 grams can also be found. In autumn, the size of the fruit may decrease slightly.
- The taste of the berries is really very interesting, sweet with a slight taste of cherries and with a pronounced strawberry aroma. Professional tasters rate the palatability at 4,8 points.
- The berries of this variety are very good for eating fresh, and for various preservation, including drying and freezing.
- The fruits also keep well and can be transported over short distances.
Peculiarities of growing
Wim Rin’s strawberries can be planted at almost any time. The most traditional are planting in autumn and early spring. The temperature range at which flower buds are laid in this variety is very large – from + 5 ° С to + 30 ° С.
Planted seedlings take root very well. Good quality seedlings should have a strong root system and about 6 well developed leaves. Unlike many varieties of neutral-day strawberries, Vima Rina is quite capable of living and bearing fruit in one place for two or three years in a row, practically without losing, and even adding to her yield. But for this, plants require abundant and regular feeding. Then the bushes must be replaced with young ones grown from seed whiskers, or divided into several parts, thus rejuvenating them.
But many gardeners practice growing Wim Rin’s strawberries as if in an annual crop, mercilessly removing all fruit-bearing bushes and leaving only young plants obtained from rosettes.
The soil before planting must be very well filled with organic matter.
It must be understood that when using predominantly nitrogen-containing fertilizers when feeding Wim Rina strawberry bushes, plant growth will increase and more or less significant mustache formation can be expected. But the quality of ripened berries is somewhat deteriorating. Therefore, such top dressing should be used if you plan to let the bushes mainly for reproduction, and the quality of the berries is not of paramount importance.
If you use fertilizers with a predominant content of phosphorus and potassium, then the taste of the berries will be close to perfect. During the entire growing season, it is necessary to feed the bushes every time at the beginning of flowering, as well as at the beginning of berry ripening and after fruiting. Berries after formation ripen in about 14-16 days.
Reviews of gardeners
Gardeners’ reviews of Wim Rin’s strawberries are mostly positive. But many descriptions and characteristics often do not match with each other. Perhaps this is due to the fact that due to the popularity of this variety, unscrupulous sellers sell under the guise of Wim Rina not quite what is really a strawberry of this variety.
If you prefer remontant strawberries or just want the berry strawberry season to last all summer long, be sure to try to plant Wim Rina strawberries on your plot. Moreover, it can grow even on a balcony or in a small indoor garden.