Willow purple nana in landscape design

Willow purple nana in landscape design

Purple willow “Nana” has recently become popular in the design of the garden landscape, to decorate the banks of an artificial reservoir, to create low hedges and various handicraft flower groups on the site. The tree got its name due to the reddish-brown shade of the bark, foliage and unusual flowering.

Description of the type of purple willow “Nana”

Willow grows as a low-growing shrub up to 2 meters, with a semicircular, lush crown up to 2 meters in diameter, with numerous, flexible shoots covered with narrow-lanceolate gray-green leaves. During the flowering period, it releases small 3 cm earrings with purple anthers. Differs in its flexibility, thinness of stems and rapid growth of the crown. Reproduction takes place by grafting on a stem, as well as by cuttings.

Purple willow “Nana” looks especially beautiful during flowering

In addition to its decorative qualities, willow:

  • photophilous, but develops well in the shade;
  • undemanding to the soil;
  • grows well on swampy ground;
  • tolerates drought well;
  • It does not require special care;
  • has a high resistance to severe frosts.

The willow begins to bloom in April, before the buds open or on a par with them, throwing out numerous earrings, popularly called them “cats”. A well-developed root system allows you to strengthen the soil and makes it possible to plant it near water bodies. To maintain the decorative appearance of the crown, it is recommended to do annual pruning in early spring. The average life expectancy with good care and proper planting of the willow “Nana” is 40 years.

Choosing a place for planting “Nana”, you should pay attention to sunny areas with light shade and neutral soil. Willow can be planted in spring or autumn in a pre-prepared pit with mineral fertilizers. It does not need watering, but in dry weather it is advisable to give it a contrast shower. For the prevention of infection with diseases and pests, it is recommended to process the Bordeaux mixture.

Willow holds the soil well, therefore it is widely used to strengthen the soil along the banks of reservoirs, as well as garden compositions in places with high humidity and flooded places. In large gardens, willow looks beautiful in a rock garden next to low-growing plants

The shrub tends to branch well, so it is often used to create low, hedges. The use of purple willow “Nana” in landscape design will add attractiveness to the garden and will provide an opportunity to admire the natural beauty for many years. Beautiful gray-reddish balls will be an excellent decoration of the site and will perfectly fit into vivid flower arrangements from a simple to a modern landscape.

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