Will you recognize a doctor by specialization? Let’s find out!

Everyone knows what an internist or a cardiologist does. And what ailments does a bariatrician, phoniatrician or angiologist treat? See if you recognize a doctor by specialization. The first five questions will not be difficult for you, then it will not be so easy!

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1. A warm-up question. The pediatrician deals with:

Care for newborns and their treatment
Childhood diseases
Foot diseases
childhood diseases Next question
A pediatrician is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases and ailments in children and adolescents (he takes care of patients from infancy to 18 years of age)

2. The dermatologist specializes in:

Skin diseases
Hair and nail diseases
Both answers are correct
Both answers are correct Next question
A dermatologist is a doctor who deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases and its products, i.e. hair and nails (as well as those systemic ailments whose symptoms appear on the skin).

3. An allergist is a doctor who specializes in:

Allergic diseases
Skin diseases
Treat pain
Allergic diseases Next question
An allergist deals with allergic diseases, i.e. diseases caused by allergens – factors causing an allergic reaction.

4. What does a gynecologist do?

Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
Prevention and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system
Diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract diseases
Prevention and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system Next question
The gynecologist deals with the prevention and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system. This doctor looks after children, adolescents, as well as adult and mature women.

5. The ophthalmologist deals with:

Diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases
Correction of vision defects
Both answers are correct
Both answers are correct Next question
An ophthalmologist is a specialist that diagnoses and treats eye diseases such as conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome and cataracts. This doctor also deals with the correction of vision defects, including astigmatism, myopia and farsightedness.

6. Geriatrician is responsible for:

Digestive system diseases
Treatment of the elderly
Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, especially the throat
Treatment of the elderly Next question
Geriatrician deals primarily with the treatment of the elderly. It is worth knowing that a person who is over 60 is a geriatric patient.

7. A neonatologist is a doctor who deals with:

Aesthetic medicine
Hearing disorders
Newborns Next question
A neonatologist is a doctor specializing in the care and care of newborns. She deals with both sick and healthy children up to four weeks of age.

8. The anaesthesiologist’s task is to:

Preparing the patient for surgery, as well as the conduct and control of anesthesia
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Diagnosis and treatment of ailments of the nervous system
Preparing the patient for surgery, as well as the conduct and control of anesthesia Next question
The anaesthesiologist deals with anesthesia of patients prior to procedures / operations, as well as the treatment of acute pain and resuscitation. The specialist also looks after critically ill patients in the intensive care unit.

9. A bariatrician is a doctor who …

Heals stomach ailments
It diagnoses, determines the causes and heals obesity
It uses the healing properties of waters and peloid in the treatment of many diseases
It diagnoses, determines the causes and heals obesity Next question
Bariatry is a medical discipline dealing with the fight against obesity, also with surgical methods.

10. You will visit a pulmonologist when:

You’ll need to get an X-ray, CT scan, or MRI
You have a respiratory problem
You suffer from backache
You have a respiratory problem Next question
The pulmonologist deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, including bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia and bronchitis.

11. The angiologist diagnoses and treats:

Intestinal diseases
Diseases of the speech organ
Diseases of blood and lymph vessels
Diseases of blood and lymph vessels Next question
An angiologist is a doctor who deals with the prevention, treatment and diagnosis of diseases of the blood and lymph vessels. Angiology is the youngest field of internal medicine. It is a branch of medicine on the border of such areas as: neurology, rheumatology, vascular surgery and cardiology.

12. A phoniatrist is a doctor from:

The sinuses
Voice Next question
A phoniatrist is a doctor “from the voice”. The subject of his interests is the emission of sounds to the environment, the way they are produced by the organs of speech, as well as any abnormalities and pathological changes associated with them.

13. A rhinologist deals with the treatment of:

Diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses
Bone diseases
Hormonal disorders
Diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses Next question
A rhinologist deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses

14. Traumatologist specializes in:

Helping people in a state of extreme stress
Diagnosing and treating bone injuries and diseases or damage occurring in them
Treat pain
Diagnosing and treating bone injuries and diseases or damage occurring in them Next question
Traumatology deals with the surgical treatment of injuries to bones, joints, ligaments, and indirectly also muscles and tendons affected by injuries.

The field of interests of the hypertensiologist is:

Curvatures of the spine
Immune system disorders
Hypertension Next question
A hypertensiologist deals with arterial hypertension and everything related to it, including the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this disease. In Poland, hypertensiology has been operating as an independent specialization since 2006.
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