Will there be a crop failure this year due to rains: an expert opinion

This summer, the weather of summer residents is not happy: prolonged downpours flood plots, villages and microdistricts in cities. And what is going on in the beds?

August 1 2020

While some are waiting for the second wave of coronavirus, others are closely monitoring the weather. After all, our harvest largely depends on what it is. And in the meantime, it has been raining for a week now … So, nothing will be born? We asked a specialized specialist about this.

President of the Association of Agricultural Machinery Dealers “Askhod”, General Director of LLC “Urozhay”

“This summer, in some places it rains long and abundantly, and in others, on the contrary, drought, but nothing extreme has happened yet. This kind of weather has been in Russia for many years. Somewhere there is more rainfall, somewhere less, somewhere good, somewhere worse, somewhere the locusts have eaten up the planting. Different regions have their own situation, but we do not see any serious problems in terms of weather. The best harvest is expected in the central black earth region. It is not worth worrying about precipitation, we will not be left without potatoes! On average, the indicators will be the same as last year. “

However, the weather is not the only dacha attack. In the last third of summer, days and nights become cooler, fogs are formed, such conditions are a blessing for the development of plant diseases. It’s time to save the fruits of your labor from powdery mildew, late blight and other misfortunes.

candidate of agricultural sciences, agricultural technician

Moisture and coolness are ideal for the spread of fungal and bacterial diseases: powdery mildew – common and false, scab, various spots and rot. Disease weakens plants and can kill them. It is necessary to recognize the problem as soon as possible, because it is necessary to select the appropriate drug for the treatment. Here are the most common diseases.

Mučnistaâ rosa      

It spreads upwards from the ground, starts with a white bloom on the leaves. It thickens over time, turns gray or brown, and becomes covered with black dots. The leaves dry up, the shoots bend, the fruits fall off. This is an aggressive but unstable disease, 2-3 treatments will help get rid of it.

What to do

Dust the plant as soon as possible with colloidal sulfur or spray it with a strong solution of laundry soap or infusion of wood ash (1:10).

Downy Mildew                                                                      

In three days, it can destroy the crop of zucchini and cucumbers. It starts with yellowish spots on the leaves, and after a day or two, spots of powdery plaque appear on the underside of the leaf, a sign that the plant can no longer be saved. Most often it affects roses and bulbous plants.      

What to do

Spray sick and neighboring healthy plants with copper-containing preparations – Topaz, Thanos, Vectra, Ridomil Gold.


A characteristic feature is spots on the leaves, varied in color and shape, often with a dark rim. The disease causes premature aging of the leaves, they turn yellow and fall off. Roses suffer greatly from black spot – the disease spreads quickly in rainy weather, affecting all new bushes.

What to do

Treat the plants as soon as a day without rain comes out. Do well with black spot “Skor”, “Abiga-Peak”, “Pure color”. Valid in 2 hours.


The scourge of the garden during lingering rains. They begin with the appearance on the leaves of the plant of a small shapeless spot of gray or brown color, which increases in size over time. Plants stunted, do not bloom, turn yellow and wither. The base of the stem, roots, rhizomes and bulbs soften and rot.

What to do

Remove diseased plants. Spray the remaining plantings with a solution of trace elements and growth stimulants (“Epin”, “Zircon”). Avoid nitrogen fertilizers and fertilizing (including manure) during this period.


A disease that can completely destroy the crop of tomatoes and potatoes. Leaves and fruits are affected. Wet weather and cool nights contribute to infection. Brown spots appear on the leaves and stems, then a whitish bloom forms on the underside of the leaf, and brown spots on the fruits. They cover the whole fetus. The development of the disease continues when fruits ripen at home.

What to do

Late blight appears on the leaves of potatoes, after 10-15 days passes to tomatoes. When signs appear, remove the tomatoes, burn the tops. Spray healthy plants with Bordeaux liquid or “Oxyhom” – 20 g per 10 liters of water.

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