Will stopping hunger become easier?

Stopping hunger without sacrifice? It is possible! Scientists have created a chemical compound that accelerates the feeling of fullness. The novelty can help you achieve your dream body weight without major problems. Is the Opportunity Real?

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new Hope

Recently I heard about celebrities who were slimming by sprinkling some of their food with dishwashing liquid. Do you have to sacrifice yourself so much? Turns out not.

According to the latest Poles Weight Loss Report, counteracting overweight and obesity is a necessity. According to specialists from the Food and Nutrition Institute, we already have a pandemic, not an obesity epidemic. Therefore, educating the public and looking for safe measures to reduce weight have become a priority. There are plenty of ways to quickly lose weight and curb hunger. If you’ve already tested most of the advice on reducing your appetite and nothing has worked, don’t give up! This time it may be different. It is true that inulin propionate research is still underway, but it gives great hope to people who cannot control hunger. It turns out that this compound can induce a feeling of fullness and reduce the amount of food consumed by up to 14 percent.

How does propionic acid work?

The fact that the propionic acid ion is secreted in the intestines during the digestion of dietary fiber by intestinal bacteria is known for a long time. It is also no secret that it suppresses the feeling of hunger and gives a signal to eat less. That is why fiber-rich dishes are so recommended during weight loss. However, we cannot eat fiber without restrictions, because stomach problems and deficiencies of minerals, e.g. iron, may appear. It turns out there is a solution.

The easiest way to use ‘slimming powder’ would be to add it after food.

Propionic ion under a magnifying glass

In an article published in the journal Gut, the researchers emphasized that for propionic acid to work at all, it should be taken on a regular basis. The second thing – adding it on your own to food does not make sense, because it will be absorbed in the intestine too early. So finding a way to get the compound into the colon to stimulate the release of appetite-controlling hormones has become the hardest part of the research. To solve these problems, scientists decided to combine inulin with propionic acid. Such a compound was to lead to a greater secretion of propionic ions in the intestines and to safely travel through the digestive system.

Easier weight loss

In the initial phase of the tests, 20 volunteers took either inulin or the previously mentioned inulin-propionic acid (IPE) compound. Both groups were allowed to eat as often as they liked. It turned out that those who received IPE ate about 14 percent. less. Then 49 people were taken into the study and divided into the same groups. Each test person was to eat every day 10 g of powder daily (IPE or inulin). As it turned out? After 24 weeks, six people who took inulin alone gained over 3 percent. their body weight, while only one in the inulin propionate group got this result.

The research is very promising. It turns out that propionate may play a significant role in suppressing appetite. Of course, you also need to confirm the operation and safety tests. Scientists also have to deal with the specific smell of the powder.

The title photo is from: mealmakeovermoms / Foter / CC BY-ND

Photo from text is from: Steve A Johnson / Foter / CC BY

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