Not eating at night is one of the main rules of everyone who cares about their figure. But it is too difficult for many to endure a hunger strike every night.
Meanwhile, you can eat before bed, the main thing is to know what exactly and in what quantity. Science knows foods that not only can, but even need to be eaten before bedtime. It’s just that late meals have some peculiarities. If you belong to the category of people who cannot refuse to eat after XNUMX pm, know that an hour before bedtime (not later!) You can eat low-calorie foods, preferring foods that contain the amino acid tryptophan. Products, the use of which shortly before bedtime will not harm the figure, were told in the program on NTV “Food is alive and dead”.
Ideally these conditions are satisfied kefir… It contains calcium, which is better absorbed in the evening. Kefir is low in calories, you need to choose 1–1,5% fat.
Turkey meat Is another good late snack option. It is not high in calories, contains protein (such a product speeds up metabolism). True, the evening use of a turkey should be moderate, no more than 80 g.
It is useful to eat a little before going to bed (no more than 40 g) almonds… It contains magnesium, which soothes the nervous system, which means that it promotes the early onset of sleep.
Can eat apples, but it is better not raw, but baked (they are better absorbed and digested). Cherries and cherries contain a lot of tryptophan, which allows you to fall asleep faster. But overdoing it with this wonderful product is also not recommended (eat no more than 17 berries at one meal).
wholegrain bread – also an acceptable evening snack. They contain vitamins B and B6, the lack of which leads to insomnia. This means that if you saturate the body with these vitamins, the quality of sleep will certainly improve.
So, if you are afraid that you will not be able to fall asleep because of the feeling of hunger, no later than an hour before lights out, have a snack with one of the above foods, and then the hunger will pass, and sleep will come.