Will masks without filters be effective against coronavirus?
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The coronavirus has rapidly spread over almost the entire world. Due to the constant threat and rapid spread of COVID-19, many countries, including Poland, have introduced e.g. the order to cover the mouth and nose. This is to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Most often, we decide to wear protective masks. Is it worth choosing those without a filter?

How can coronavirus infection be prevented?

Currently, in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in society, the government has introduced many restrictions that we must obey every day. To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, you should:

  1. frequently wash your hands with soap and water or disinfect them with special disinfectants with a minimum content of 70% alcohol;
  2. avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose – this will reduce the risk of transmitting the coronavirus to yourself;
  3. regularly clean the surfaces we touch every day – just wash with soap and water, among others countertops, handles, handrails, etc.;
  4. frequently disinfect your mobile phone and put it aside when eating;
  5. keep a distance from other people – preferably approx. 2 meters;
  6. stay home – if you have such an opportunity, it is worth staying at home and leaving it only when necessary;
  7. cover nose and mouth in public places, e.g. with a mask;
  8. follow an easily digestible diet, remember to stay hydrated and exercise.

Check it out: How to safely play sports to avoid contracting the coronavirus?

What should you remember when wearing a face mask?

A protective mask is most often chosen when we want to cover the mouth and nose. By wearing the mask, we protect other people from infection as we can pass COVID-19 asymptomatically. However, it is worth remembering to change the mask every time it gets wet. Only a dry and well-adherent face mask will fulfill its function.

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Reusable masks should be carefully removed and washed in a washing machine at a minimum temperature of 60 degrees C for 45 minutes. In order for the mask to be safe, it should then be ironed with a strongly heated iron. Another way to disinfect is to boil the mask in boiling water or spray it with a disinfectant with a minimum alcohol content of 70%.

Check it out: How to cope with long hours of wearing protective masks?

Are the masks without filters effective?

Yes. A simple mask will prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the environment. It should be remembered that the task of the mask is not to protect the person wearing the mask against infection.


People who pass COVID-19 asymptomatically can also pass on to others. Therefore, it is worth complying with the obligation to cover the mouth and nose. In this way, we will reduce the risk of unknowingly spreading the coronavirus and protect other people from falling ill with COVID-19.

Some infected people pass COVID-19 asymptomatically, so everyone must cover their mouth and nose to avoid spreading the coronavirus unknowingly. The point is that infected people, e.g. when coughing, do not release coronavirus particles to the surroundings. No filter will protect us against the coronavirus.

How can you get infected with the coronavirus?

Coronavirus can only be infected by droplets, which means that the source of infection can only be an infected person. Coronavirus infection can occur during direct contact with an infected person. It doesn’t have to show any obvious symptoms. All we have to do is give such a person a hand or a kiss on the cheek in greeting, or despite the lack of symptoms of the disease, she will cough in our company.

COVID-19 can also be caught by indirectly touching coronavirus-contaminated surfaces. Remember that the coronavirus may cease to be active even after several dozen hours.

During an outbreak, it is very important to follow current recommendations. Only in this way will we minimize the risk of infection.

The editorial board recommends the most important articles about the coronavirus:

  1. Why does the coronavirus kill some and run like a cold in others?
  2. What is a pandemic? The greatest pandemics in history
  3. Does diabetes affect the course of coronavirus infection?

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected] You can find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

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