Will masks outside buildings be optional? Niedzielski: We will go this way. But there is a condition
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We have been obliged for over five months to cover our nose and mouth in public spaces, i.e. in a shop, bus, or on the street. How long can this go on? The good news is that it will be possible to ease this restriction. However, there is a condition. Health Minister Adam Niedzielski wrote about it on Twitter.

  1. From October 10, it is obligatory to cover the mouth and nose with a mask throughout the country
  2. Chances are we won’t have to wear them outside? Health Minister: we will go this way with fewer cases
  3. Dr Paweł Basiukiewicz comments on Twitter: Keeping the mask warrant outside jeopardizes the authority of the Ministry of Health in Poland
  4. Currently, the R index for Poland is 0,86, which means that fewer and fewer people get infected from each other
  5. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Protective masks compulsory for five months. When do we have to wear them? We are reminding

Protective masks have been with us for over 13 months. Let us remind you that the order to cover the nose and mouth was first introduced in Poland on April 16, 2020, 1,5 months later (May 30), this obligation was partially abolished – the covers ceased to apply in open spaces, but also in closed areas where it was possible to keep the distance rules.

With the advent of the second (autumn) wave of COVID-19, restrictions have been tightened again and the state is still going on. From October 10 last year, covering the mouth and nose in public places is obligatory all over Poland. While earlier it was possible to use scarves, scarves or helmets for this purpose, from February 27 only protective masks are allowed.

Let us remind you that the mouth and nose must be covered, for example:

on the street, on roads and squares, in cemeteries, promenades, boulevards, parking places for vehicles, forest car parks

on the premises of shared properties (e.g. in the staircase)

on the bus, tram and train

in a shop, shopping mall, bank, market and post office

in the workplace, if there is more than 1 person in the room (unless the employer decides otherwise)

in the workplace during direct customer / customer service

in cinema and theater

at the doctor’s, clinic, hospital, massage and tattoo parlor

in the church and school, at the university

in the office and other public buildings (in court, in a cultural institution, bank, post office, etc.)

We do not have to use protective masks in a forest, park, greenery, botanical gardens, historic gardens, in family allotment gardens and on the beach, and during travel by private car, motorcycle, four-wheeler, moped, at the workplace to eat.

Optional masks outside buildings? The minister replies

Are there any chances to ease these restrictions? Will we soon be back to building-only face masks? This issue was mentioned on Twitter by the Ministry of Health, journalist Grzegorz Jankowski, addressing Minister Niedzielski: “German research shows that almost one hundred percent of the virus is transmitted indoors. So it can abolish the obligation to wear them outside? ».

In response, the head of the health ministry indicated that “a systematic review published in February showed that less than 10 percent. reported SARS-CoV-2 infections took place outside »and that« with a high level of incidence those 10 percent. it matters”. “And let’s not compare the crowd at the traffic lights with a lonely walk in the park” – added the minister.

One of the internet users also referred to the topic. “Mr. Minister, maybe do as it was last year during the summer period (of course, if the situation allows it), ie mask outside only when we are unable to keep our distance from others”.

Adam Niedzielski answered her, and what he wrote gives hope that this will happen when a certain condition is met – the number of infections will decrease. “We will go this way with fewer cases” – wrote Minister Niedzielski in response.

Dr. Paweł Basiukiewicz, a cardiologist, specialist in internal medicine, head of the Observation and Infectious Department of the Western Hospital in Grodzisk, posted a comment on this issue on his Twitter account: “Continuing to keep the mask warrant outside jeopardizes the authority of the Ministry of Health in the Republic of Poland” – he wrote.

It is also worth mentioning the current R (RO), also known as the virus reproduction rate. Its value tells us at what stage the epidemic is. In simple terms, it shows what is contagious – that is, how many people can be infected by one patient infected with SARS-CoV-2 and found to be infected with COVID-19. If the R index is greater than 1, it means that one patient infects more than one person. In this case, it can be said that the epidemic is still developing. If the RO value is less than 1, we can believe that the epidemic is dying out and fewer and fewer people become infected from each other.

As Minister Niedzielski recently pointed out, the RO for Poland is now 0,86. In March, the RO was 1,21, which is exactly the same as in September 2020.

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