Will energy prices hit hospitals and patients? Waldemar Kraska is straightforward

Galloping energy prices and growing concerns about the availability of coal raise new questions. One of the most important is how the situation will affect hospitals, will patients be warm? TVP Info asked Deputy Minister of Health Waldemar Kraska about it. That’s his answer.

  1. “Patients will be treated in warm, comfortable conditions” – assures Waldemar Kraska
  2. However, the deputy health minister notes that the situation is difficult
  3. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

“Patients will be treated in a warm, comfortable environment”

«The healthcare system and hospitals are such a critical point in our country’s bloodstream, so I think we can all be at peace here. There will be no shortage of heat in hospitals. Patients will be treated in warm, comfortable conditions »- assured the Deputy Minister of Health. However, he added that the situation was difficult.

Waldemar Kraska also referred to the act being processed in the Senate, which provides for the introduction of a carbon allowance in the amount of PLN 3. zloty. It will be granted to households for which the main source of heating is a solid fuel boiler, fireplace, goat, air heater, kitchen stove, stove, coal stove or solid fuel tiled stove – powered by hard coal, briquette or pellets, containing at least 85 percent hard coal.

Act on the carbon allowance. “It should be adopted without amendment”

The deputy minister of health was also asked whether there should be any amendments that would also make the supplement available to recipients of system heat. Waldemar Kraska, that together with other PiS politicians, he met with the Minister of Climate and Environment Anna Moskva, who “thoroughly and thoroughly explained” the situation of Poland.

«I think that this law should be adopted without amendments, so that it would find its way to the President’s desk as soon as possible and start functioning. And other sources – the law is not always needed for this, ”he added.

Noting that local governments are responsible for these issues, he said: “I must reassure you here, there will certainly be a solution that will meet this situation,” he added.

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