You can find her in many places. We pass it and often do not know what a valuable plant it is. Wild rose bushes adorn city squares, parks and home gardens. They can also be found along roads, on the outskirts of forests and in wastelands. Why is it worth collecting its petals and fruits?
Wild rose for health
Helps with colds. Thanks to the high content of vitamin C, it helps to fight the infection faster. Rose is also an excellent source of many active substances that strengthen the body.Protects the circulatory system. The flavonoids contained in the rose have anti-inflammatory properties, dilate blood vessels and lower cholesterol. In addition, vitamin C affects the production of collagen, increasing the elasticity and mechanical resistance of the walls of blood vessels.Soothes joint pain. Rosehip inhibits the influx into the joints of white blood cells secreting compounds that increase inflammation. Reduces swelling and stiffness of joints. The use of rosehip powder prevents cartilage degeneration.Supports the digestive system. Helps with diarrhea and gallstones.
Wild rose in cosmetics
Brightens the complexion and discolorations. Rose hips are a real mine of vitamin C. Its effect is enhanced by carotene, from which vitamin A is formed. Together they have a strong skin brightening effect. Cosmetics with wild rose extract are helpful in lightening pigmentation spots, freckles, even out and revive the skin tone.Moisturizes, softens and smoothes the skin. Cosmetics based on wild rose extracts are a reliable rejuvenating agent. It’s all thanks to the richness of vitamins, pectins, amino acids and organic fruit acids. These cosmetics improve skin hydration, while vitamins and organic acids prevent thickening of the stratum corneum. Thus, the skin is elastic and smooth.Reduces acne lesions. The hydroxy acids contained in the rose exfoliate, improve the condition of acne and oily skin, prevent the formation of blackheads. Rose oil is one of the basic ingredients used in the perfume industry. It has a warm, sweet aroma that is antidepressant and calming. Applied directly to the skin (e.g. in creams), it has an antiseptic effect and soothes various types of irritation.
Two delicious rose medicine recipes
Grated rose petals. Dry rose petals should be rubbed with a wooden spoon with sugar – a spoonful of sugar for a handful of petals. Store in the refrigerator. It should be eaten 3 times a day on a teaspoon as a means of reducing gastric hyperacidity and having a calming effect. Grated rose can also be used for desserts, e.g. for donuts.Fruit tincture. Cover 500 g of rose hips with a glass of sugar and pour ¾ liter of pure vodka. Leave in a warm place for a week, shaking occasionally. Strain through gauze and store in a dark bottle in the fridge. Drink a small glass of tincture twice a day as a means of increasing appetite, improving metabolism and digestion.