Wild pear is an excellent prophylactic for diseases

The wild pear is inferior in taste to the fruits of its cultivated counterparts, most of which, by the way, the wild pear is the progenitor. However, in terms of the medicinal properties of the fruits, the wild game is much superior to the breeding varieties and deservedly enjoys popularity in folk medicine. The article will introduce you to this wild variety in more detail. You will learn what decoctions, drinks or tinctures can be made from the fruits of this tree and what diseases they help with.

Description and yield

Wild pear occurs in nature in the form of a bush up to 4 m high, or a tree, usually growing no higher than 20 m. This wild species is distributed throughout the south and Central Black Earth of Our Country, as well as in the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Kazakhstan. Usually grows in deciduous forests as individual trees, and forming entire groves.

Wild pear is an excellent prophylactic for diseases

Being a wild tree, the tree grows well in partial shade or in areas exposed to the sun’s rays. The ideal soil will be fertile soils with moderate moisture and neutral acidity. Due to the developed root system, the game is drought-resistant, and also has high frost resistance.

Seedlings of this species are often used by many breeders as a stock, because the game has a high compatibility with most cultivars. If you plan to plant a wild variety on your site, choose a place for it near the edge of the forest. The wild game is propagated by grafting, cuttings or seeds.

It begins to bloom in late April with white, less often pink, flowers. This wild species is an excellent honey plant. Trees most often bear fruit at 7-8 years of age, usually at the end of August (but weather conditions and the region of growth affect ripening). The fruits are almost round in shape, up to 30 mm in size. A good harvest is repeated every two years. In a fruitful year, one tree can produce up to 40 kg of fruit. However, the taste of ripe fruits is sour, but they become fragrant and sweet if they lie down in a cold room (in the basement) for 2-3 months, because starch turns into sugar, and the tannins that give the fruit hardness are destroyed.

These trees are long-lived. Usually they live 70-90 years, but there are individual specimens up to 300 years old. Cultivated trees live no more than 50 years.

It is worth noting: in addition to the fact that the wild pear is used in folk medicine, the branches of the tree are popular in carpentry and turning because of the density and red-brown color of the wood, and are used to make chipboard (laminate).

A photo of a wild pear can be seen below.

Wild pear is an excellent prophylactic for diseases

Medicinal properties

Due to the content of a large number of useful substances, wild pear is used in folk medicine: medicinal decoctions and compotes are made from fruits and leaves, dried and brewed teas.

Wild pear is an excellent prophylactic for diseases  

This wild variety is rich in vitamins A, the B group of vitamins, as well as E, C, P and PP. In addition to vitamins, fruits contain ascorbic, citric, malic and folic acids, as well as glucose, sucrose, fructose, and various trace elements. There are a lot of metals in the game: zinc, copper, nickel, molybdenum, iodine, manganese, iron, fluorine, so its fruits are often used to treat anemia and the thyroid gland when the body lacks its own nutrient reserves.

A medicinal decoction of wild pear is an indispensable remedy for indigestion. Due to the content of tannins and pectin, fruits have a fixing effect, destroying pathogenic bacteria and strengthening the mucous membrane of the stomach walls. Mix half a glass of dried pear fruits, 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, pour two glasses of water, boil. Let the broth stand for 1 hour, do not forget to strain. Drink every day 4 times a quarter cup. The healing drink can be consumed by everyone, regardless of age.

Dried pear is an excellent prophylactic for diseases of the circulatory system, especially for strengthening capillaries due to vitamin P, which increases the permeability of the walls of blood vessels.

With bronchitis, tuberculosis, suffocation, severe cough, baked and boiled fruits help.

Pear juice, as well as a decoction of fresh or dried wild game fruits, is a medicinal drink that is used as a diuretic. Thanks to this treatment, kidney stones are relatively quickly crushed into sand and excreted from the body naturally. Also included in therapeutic diets for diabetes. Drink daily 50-70 g of juice half an hour before meals, gradually increasing the dose to 1 cup.

Wild pear is an excellent prophylactic for diseases

Useful therapeutic effect gives the use of wild in the treatment of prostatitis. Regular use of compote from dried wild pears contributes to the complete recovery and normalization of the function of the prostate gland. Doctors recommend that men over the age of 50 harvest dry fruits of wild pear for the winter and drink compotes or teas infused with dried fruits in winter for preventive purposes.

Remember the simple rules when including pears in your diet, otherwise the fruit can turn from medicine into poison:

  • they cannot be eaten on an empty stomach;
  • they can not be washed down with plain water;
  • it is not recommended to eat meat immediately after pear;
  • do not eat fruits earlier than 30 minutes before meals.

Video “Useful properties of pears”

This video will tell you what useful and healing properties pear has.

Perhaps the wild pear does not have the aroma and exquisite taste that is inherent in breeding varieties. However, she has one pronounced advantage, because of which this type of pear should be planted on her site – these are the medicinal properties of her fruits, which turn such a tree into a home pharmacy.

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