Since ancient times, folk medicine has respected berries from forest glades for their medicinal properties. Modern medicine also uses berry components for the production of medicines.
Probably the most popular wild berry -. There is an abundance of glucose and fructose in its fruits. It is also rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, carotene, and various types of acids. When drying strawberries, no loss of beneficial properties occurs.
She is good at all kinds. Fresh strawberries will help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stones in the organs of the human body and atherosclerosis. Strawberry juice saves you from cuts and wounds. Dried berries are used in the form of infusions that stimulate the digestive system and help cleanse the body. Lingonberries, blueberries and blueberries can help alleviate the severe course of Alzheimer’s disease.
They slow down the development of disease-causing cells and changes in the tissues of the sick person’s body. Scientists have shown that these berries also have an effect on neurons and the signals between them, which is of great importance for medicine.
has an amazing quality to improve the protective functions of the body against the effects of a harmful environment, helps to strengthen the immune system, and prevents the onset of tumors of oncological diseases.
Blueberries allow a person to stay young longer. For people with eye problems, blueberries are recommended first. Lingonberry, in turn, has a lot of properties useful for the human body. It also strengthens the human immune system, acts as a disinfectant and antimicrobial agent, and stimulates the elimination of urine, toxins and toxins from the human body.
– another useful representative of useful berries from a forest glade. In this plant, both leaves and fruits are beneficial. For skin problems, an ointment from blackberries and leaves of blackberries helps. Blackberries are very useful for the gastrointestinal tract of the body, as they stimulate its work. It is recommended to consume large quantities of blackberries, their benefits are invaluable.
is not only wild. Its breeding is widespread among gardeners. Raspberry contains a lot of useful acids, regulates the quality of blood clotting in the human body. All berries can be frozen and consumed with warm drinks during the period of winter illnesses and viral diseases.
Raspberries have a fairly high level of fiber in their content, which contributes to the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Raspberries have the ability to restore an even heartbeat, which is the prevention of more complex heart diseases.
– forest berry with astringent properties. Recommended for use during bowel disorders, diarrhea and bloating. Chokeberry has long been famous for its unique beneficial qualities. It contains a huge amount of substances useful for the human body. Promotes appetite stimulation, regulates the function of the thyroid gland.
– one of the most unique berries that grows in forests on swampy soil. Cranberries are an evergreen shrub. It is low and spreads almost near the very ground. Harvesting cranberries in season is difficult enough, but more than justifies all the physical costs.
Cranberry fruit drinks are great for colds and flu, they also increase the general tone of the human body, its mental activity and physical performance. For people with low acidity, cranberries are indicated for inclusion in the daily diet, with high acidity and peptic ulcer diseases, this berry
can not be used. The list of advantages of cranberries can be continued, in addition to antiviral ingredients, it contains antimicrobial properties and can act as an additional agent in the treatment of acute forms of diseases, kidney, genitourinary system and pancreatitis.
The reason lies in the unique chemical composition of this berry, in addition to the beneficial attributes of all wild berries, cranberries inherited from nature pectin substances that form insoluble compounds with useful trace elements, sugars and acids. Therefore, cranberry helps to eliminate from the body not only all excess, but even radioactive metals such as cobalt, lead, zinc and mercury. Therefore, cranberry drinks are shown to people with poisoning or severe intoxication from chemical elements.
– belongs to rare forest berries, and as a species is on the verge of extinction. You can find it when collecting cranberries, as it also loves shade and a lot of moisture. Ripe cloudberries have a bright orange color. In the last century, in any hut there was soaked cloudberry, thanks to its properties, it was perfectly preserved throughout the winter.
Herbalists used cloudberries for medicinal purposes: general health promotion, for stomach and stomach problems, for cystitis, colds and many other misfortunes. Also, dry cuttings of cloudberries acted as a good antiseptic and promoted the healing of even purulent wounds. In addition, it is customary to use cloudberries as
a potent agent against high blood pressure and various vascular diseases.
– in appearance it is very similar to blueberries, only the berry is larger and has a dark purple or blue color. The blueberry got its name for the matte cover, which just gives the blue tint. Blueberries grow in forest glades in whole settlements, and it is quite easy to collect them.
Blueberries, like blueberries, belong to benzene berries, therefore they are stored well without processing, simply rubbed with sugar. But the medicinal properties of blueberries are not in the berries, but in the leaves. A decoction of dried blueberry leaves is an excellent remedy against diabetes, as well as various origins of anemia. Neither
one berry, except for blueberries, does not cure these diseases, therefore blueberries are quite popular in folk medicine.
All wild berries can be eaten fresh or frozen. Many housewives love to cook diet pies and cakes using berries. Drinks, compotes and desserts made from delicious wild berries are distinguished by their naturalness and boundless usefulness.