Wi-Fi and smartphones lead to miscarriage

Let’s say right away: there is nothing good in this influence. We still do not recommend making foil hats and throwing the phone out the window, but it is worth observing some precautions.

It seems that for a modern woman to bear a child without failures and complications is a real feat. Miscarriages, frozen pregnancies – now almost every fifth person is faced with such misfortunes. But in the days of our mothers there were no such sad statistics. What happened? Is it all about ecology? Scientists say: in it, but not only in it. If you are now in a position and are reading this article from your phone, give your smartphone to your husband and step away yourself. And let the spouse read this important information to the end.

So, American scientists have found: Wi-Fi and smartphones increase the risk of miscarriage by up to 50 percent.

This is due to the electromagnetic radiation that comes from phones. Power lines and cell towers also emit similar radiation. It puts pressure on the body, leading to genetic damage and can cost a pregnant woman a child’s life.

Scientists came to such conclusions by observing the condition of 913 women at different stages of pregnancy. Some of the study participants had previously suffered at least one miscarriage. Throughout the entire gestation period, women carried a radiation meter with them 24 hours a day. As a result, the study found that those who did not part with their smartphones and were exposed to the highest levels of radiation were 48 percent more likely to have miscarriages than other women.

Moreover, according to scientists, the risk of spontaneous abortion in this situation arises regardless of whether there were miscarriages in the past or not.

The electromagnetic radiation to which everyone is exposed to one degree or another, scientists have previously associated with the cause of cancer. Therefore, the World Health Organization has recommended that its effects on pregnancy be studied. Thus, in the United States, 15 to 20 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriages. This mostly happens for up to 20 weeks. Similar statistics are observed in Russia – a reason to think and put the phone away.

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