Wi-fi, 3G / 4G: are waves dangerous during pregnancy?

Electromagnetic waves: pregnant women, a population at risk

For years, the debate has raged on the question of the dangerousness of electromagnetic waves. If the risks of wireless technologies (cell phones, tablets, Wi-Fi) on health are still not clearly established, the time has now come to be cautious. In any case, this is the meaning of the law of February 9, 2015.

Regarding children, for whom it is proven that the waves are harmful because their brain is more permeable than that of adults, the deputies opt for the precautionary principle, deciding toprohibit wi-fi equipment in all establishments for children under 3 years old, that is to say in crèches and day nurseries.

A year earlier, the (ANSES) recommended limiting children’s exposure to waves by encouraging moderate use of the mobile phone. Corn not a word about the pregnant woman. However, one can legitimately wonder if these new technologies have repercussions on the development of the fetus. We must go back to Bioinitiative 2012 report to have concrete proof of their harmfulness.

Waves and fetuses: an increased risk of behavioral disorders?

Based on the analysis of more than 1 new scientific studies, the report showed that young children and pregnant women were indeed a population at risk. Exposure to airwaves from phones and wireless technologies impair the brain development of fetuses and newborns. It could increase the risk of hyperactivity, de behavior disorders in school and learning problems.

These conclusions come as no surprise to Jennifer Maherou, responsible for scientific documentation at the French Environmental Health Association (ASEF): ” Prenatal exposure to waves is worrying because this is when the fetal brain is most fragile, because under construction», Explains the specialist. According to a Danish study published in 2008, fetuses exposed to waves have a 54% more risk of exhibiting behavioral disorders during their lifetime.

Good reflexes to protect yourself from waves while pregnant

So what should be done? No longer using your cell phone when you are expecting a baby, hunting for airwaves in your apartment? … Obviously, these studies are worrying, especially since with 4G, you spend your time checking your phone! 

No way, however, to jump to conclusions and feel guilty when making a phone call. In October 2013, ANSES recognized that electromagnetic waves cause biological changes, but did not consider them dangerous to health. The subject is so controversial that it seems impossible to know who is really right about the impact of the airwaves, between the alarmists and the moderates.

However, there is one point of agreement: the vigilance in the face of excessive use of these new technologies.

Here are a few simple, non-binding steps to limit your exposure to waves during pregnancy:

  • move the mobile phone away from the body when making a call, opting for a Handsfree for example,
  • focus on sms,
  • use airplane mode as soon as possible,
  • choose your mobile according to your specific absorption rate (SAR). The lower the value of this index, the less waves the phone emits.
  • It is also better not to put the tablet or the computer on your stomach.

« It’s hard not to be exposed “, Recognizes Jenifer Maherou, ASEF,” but you can limit your exposure by adopting good reflexes with your laptop, or by using a cable for the Internet instead of Wi-Fi.

Other option: invest in anti-radiation clothing. The brand Belly Armor specializes in the niche of pregnant women. All of its products are lined with a protective fabric, made from silver fibers, which neutralizes electromagnetic waves. But these clothes remain quite expensive (around 70 euros each) and their effectiveness is disputed. 

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