Why You Sweat During Sleep: 10 Possible Reasons

Why You Sweat During Sleep: 10 Possible Reasons

It’s not hot in the apartment on autumn nights, and yet you wake up wet as a mouse. Let’s figure out the reasons.

If a person wakes up several times during the night all wet with sweat, then you need to look for the root causes of this pathology. This is usually a symptom of more serious problems.   

Sweating at night: the main causes of the phenomenon

Causes of active sweating during sleep

1. Menopause

The average age at menopause is approximately 51 years. This is a normal condition of the body that does not require treatment. Sometimes the termination of the menstrual cycle occurs earlier. For example, 1% of women experience this condition around their 40s. In any case, during this period you need to be ready for the physiological restructuring of the body.

Due to the fact that there is an unstable release of hormones, menopause can cause many unpleasant symptoms… A decrease in estrogen and progesterone leads not only to changes in mood, vaginal dryness, slow metabolism and thinning hair, but also to the appearance of “hot flashes” and “ebb”. The resulting fever and chills lead to night sweats. See your doctor to prescribe hormone therapy that will relieve your condition during this period.

2. Nervous disorder

Anxiety at work, anxiety for loved ones, uncontrollable fears can cause a number of adverse symptoms: muscle tension, heart palpitations, breathing problems, stomach troubles (nausea and diarrhea), and sweating.

If you constantly jump up at night in sweat, and then cannot sleep for a long time, you need to go to a specialist who can find out the causes of anxiety and the degree of your nervousness. From him you will receive recommendations on changing your lifestyle and decide on therapy (possibly with antidepressants).   

3. Hyperhidrosis

There are two types of excessive sweating: general and localized. General manifests itself in large areas of the body, and localized on individual parts: palms, soles of the feet, in the forehead, armpits. Hyperhidrosis is observed not only with extreme heat, exercise, emotional stress, but also with a number of diseases and the action of certain drugs. When the cause of hyperhidrosis is not clear (that is, there is no apparent reason for sweating), you should consult a specialist for examination. After all, this is not only a social problem – an unpleasant odor from the legs and body during the day, but also a nightmare for the owner of this symptom. During the night, you have to change the sheet and linen several times.

4. Taking medications

Certain drugs can potentially cause night sweats as a side effect. If you suspect that a drug you recently started using may have an effect on your increased sweating, then you should see your doctor and find out if there are alternative treatment options. In no case do not experiment and do not throw abruptly drink what the doctor prescribed to you a long time ago. Sudden cessation of certain medications can lead to “withdrawal symptoms.” In this case, the level of certain neurotransmitters sharply decreases and symptoms such as dizziness, insomnia, irritability, and headaches appear. The only option is to see a doctor.

5. Fever

A temporary rise in temperature, as a rule, indicates that the body is fighting some kind of infection. In a healthy state, a person’s body temperature is about 36,6 degrees Celsius. With an increase in degrees, there is a fever, then a chill. Often this condition is accompanied by headache, weakness and, of course, sweating both day and night. In this case, it is very important to find the reason. Get tested for bacterial and viral infections.  

6. Hyperthyroidism

This is a syndrome in which the thyroid gland secretes too much of the hormone thyroxine into the body. Symptoms such as:

  • weight loss (despite good appetite and adequate food intake);

  • cardiopalmus;

  • increased sweating;

  • the skin becomes moist;

  • thinning hair;

  • problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.

See your doctor for appropriate treatment and dietary advice. You will need to give up strong tea, coffee, chocolate, spices, drink milk and consume more vegetables and fruits.  

7. Sleep apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) is a repetitive cessation of breathing for up to 15 seconds or more, accompanied by snoring, nocturnal awakenings, and lack of sleep. In this case, there may be a decrease in memory, daytime sleepiness, complaints of lack of performance, constant fatigue and, you guessed it, sweating. OSAS can be a serious medical condition and therefore requires treatment. It will consist of correcting nutrition if you are overweight, changing your sleeping position (it is better not to sleep on your back), excluding alcohol and sleeping pills, as well as training the muscles of the pharynx. In any case, you need to go to a specialist for a consultation.  

8. Brucellosis

This bacterial infection is also called Maltese fever. People can get it from animals or through unpasteurized dairy products. Brucellosis symptoms include:

  • fever;

  • chills;

  • sweating;

  • weakness;

  • fatigue;

  • loss of appetite;

  • headache;

  • pain in joints, muscles and back.

An experienced doctor can easily recognize the disease at the first examination and, most likely, prescribe antibiotics.

9. Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease characterized by the active accumulation of aggressive antibodies, leading to the destruction of articular and connective tissue structures. Before that, we examined bacterial and viral diseases that can lead to fever, and therefore to night sweats. But temperature jumps can also appear from rheumatoid arthritis. This syndrome arises from the immune system’s mistaken struggle against the synovium that covers the joints. Wherein may arise unpleasant sensations of pain and stiffness of the limbs. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy or surgery to save your joints.

10. Diabetes

Nocturnal hyperhidrosis is caused by a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood. This is a reaction of the nervous system in response to the release of hormones. A serious illness, the treatment of which can only be solved in the doctor’s office.

Expert Opinion

– Waking up in the morning in wet pajamas causes discomfort and increases the time for getting ready, since not everyone has time to take a shower. Excessive sweating during sleep can be caused by a room temperature that is too hot, heavyweight pajamas, or an airtight blanket. In addition, the phenomenon can be a sign of serious illness.

In women, profuse sweating can begin due to menopause, as the hormonal background is rearranged. In men, profuse sweating during sleep can cause snoring. Causes: hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), heartburn and anxiety. In order to avoid excessive sweating, it is necessary to be monitored by qualified doctors, ventilate the room, and choose pajamas and bedding made of breathable materials.

Larisa Kudaeva, Vlada Timofeeva

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