Why you shouldn’t watch TV if you want to be successful

Hello dear readers! Let me guess, are you watching TV right now? And not only now, but also in the kitchen during lunch and in the evening on the couch? 80% of people consider watching movies and TV programs to be the best vacation. So in this article I will prove the opposite to you and tell you whether you can watch TV.

TV and propaganda

Every day a person is exposed to a huge flow of information: at work, at the university, on the radio, from outdoor advertising. At best, the brain is able to filter this information and take only what it needs, but often this flow negatively affects mood, thoughts, and state of mind. It is not for nothing that there is a science of mass communications, where they teach how to influence the masses, on the consciousness of a person and through what channels.

These channels are TV and the Internet. But the problem is that on the web we ourselves are looking for what we want. In the case of television, it is more difficult to reject information.

Why you shouldn’t watch TV if you want to be successful

Let’s remember the times of the USSR. Then there was little to see on TV, the information was strictly filtered. This was propaganda — the main tool for influencing the decisions and worldview of a person.

Today it also exists, but psychologists and advertisers have come up with subtle ways and methods of processing a person. Information is no longer being imposed head-on, but for a long time, little by little, without pressure. Acting on the subconscious. And believe me, this is a very powerful thing. You can read about the subconscious here: “Controlling the subconscious of another person and how this is possible.”

On TV, they impose not only political views on us, but also create an ideal world. We learn that our relationship is not as fabulous as in the movies. House and life are not in such order. Work and lifestyle itself want to be better. All this is influenced by beautiful and bright advertising.

The top skill of advertisers is when they create an artificial need for a person for their product. For example, before you did not think how many microbes live under your toilet rim and what military plans they build against you. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to clean up, but until there were funds from companies known to us, there was no need to fight microbes. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

So let’s figure out whether the TV is useful for at least something or one negative from it.

Positive and negative aspects of the issue

Since the TV has a great influence on a person, it is worth comparing all the points and deciding whether you need it or not.

Benefits of watching TV

1.Easy access to information

Of course, everyone should be aware of the events taking place in the world. That’s what news broadcasts are for. The TV allows you to find out all the news that you can find while changing channels. But this leads to a minus called propaganda. And so that this plus does not turn into harm, you need to be able to distinguish truthful information from imposition and manipulation. More on this later.

2. Expanding horizons

In addition to news on TV, there are a large number of educational programs that broaden one’s horizons and teach something. But in this case, it is also important not to overdo it. After all, it is much more interesting to explore the world on your own than lying on the couch.


No matter how much they talk about outdoor activities, sometimes you just want to stay at home and relax. TV will always help with this, because there you can watch movies and listen to music.

Perhaps these are all pluses. You will say that they are all very significant and compensate for all subsequent minuses? After all, information is important, and you also need to rest. But now let’s take a look at how television negatively affects your life.

Why you can’t watch TV

1.Creating virtual reality

If you say that serials and various reality shows do not affect a person in any way, but this is just a way to distract from problems, I will not believe it. This is where all the negativity lies. A person runs away from real life so as not to decide anything in it. It is much easier to lie on the couch and worry about the characters on the screen. While watching something, it seems that everything is perfect on TV, everything is so simple and always a happy ending, but in your own life everything is more and more gloomy.

Worse when envy appears. After all, a rich life is often shown on the screen. Do you think it acts as a stimulus to action? No, on the contrary. There is a feeling that this will never be achieved, because everything is bad anyway. Depression appears.

2. Influence on the psyche

Nowadays, censorship is practically non-existent. And the blue screen provides an opportunity to learn what violence, murder, theft, eroticism and other such things are. Okay, if you encounter such phenomena once a month, but, unfortunately, we see it every day. As a result, when a person wants to relax after a hard day, on the contrary, he receives a portion of negativity. This has a bad effect on the psyche, there is irritability and, again, depression.

3. Human degradation

I know many people who complain about life and yet do nothing. And what do you think is their main entertainment? Yes, sit in front of the «box» and click channels. It’s already an addiction. A person loses interest in the world around him, does not want to make decisions and change something. It suits him more to follow someone else’s life than to act himself. Do you have such acquaintances?

4. The destruction of families

Remember the moments when the electricity suddenly goes out? Then the whole family sits on the sofa and talks by the light of a candle: dad jokes and everyone laughs. Today the family gathers together except for dinner. Dad is at the computer, mom is watching TV, and the children are on their phones — there is no communication. Everyone is getting used to it. This is very bad. Better buy board games, arrange a dinner, invite guests — anything, just to do something together.

Here are the negatives. And that is not all

A person throughout his life must develop, learn something new, be able to plan his time. And television takes this time. Do you think that when successful and rich people say they don’t watch TV, they are lying? No, its true. Instead of TV, they chose self-development.

In addition, television is bad for health. First of all, on vision and the nervous system. But the children are the most affected.

How does TV affect children?

Why you shouldn’t watch TV if you want to be successful

Unfortunately, modern parents do not always find time to take care of their children. And when they are capricious, they need to be played with and entertained. But you need to cook and eat, and work. Then comes babysitting TV time. The easiest way is to seat the child in front of him and turn on the cartoons.

Do you think that nothing terrible is happening and that everyone is fine? Moreover, cartoons are educational? And here it is not. Let’s take a look at what can happen to a child with constant viewing of «good» programs:

  • disorders of the nervous system (stuttering, aggressiveness, insomnia, headache);
  • problems with vision due to overstrain of the eye muscles, later — strabismus and myopia;
  • telemania, when a person is addicted to TV;
  • obesity — because when watching a child is bored, especially when he is alone at home, the absorption of sandwiches, chips and other harmful products begins;
  • a decrease in the intellectual level — when watching, the brain does not strain, there is no need to think.

All these problems can occur in an adult.

The negative impact in the current moment can seriously affect the future: both on the physical condition and on the moral.

I will not tire of repeating that a person, and especially a child, must develop. The ability to sit on the couch in front of the screen will not work. But other talents that are important to develop can bring success.

How to replace the TV and how to develop without it?

Why you shouldn’t watch TV if you want to be successful

We have already found out why you should not watch TV. But what can be useful to replace it?

I give a few recommendations


Literature is a great substitute for the constant melodrama on TV. If you want to dive headfirst into a compelling story, then the book is better than the TV series. Books contribute to:

  • expanding horizons;
  • increase in vocabulary;
  • increasing intelligence and literacy;
  • developing self-confidence.

In addition, books help to relax and tune in a positive way.

A separate story — these are books for self-development that motivate and help to believe in yourself. If you are interested, read the article: “Why should you read books and how to develop yourself with their help?”


Think of something you love to do in the evening. It is not necessary to have some kind of talent, you can learn something from scratch. It can be: design, drawing, handmade, cooking, modeling, puzzle. Such classes help develop imagination, relax, see the result of work and become more confident.


If you turn on the TV so as not to sit in silence and not be alone, it is better to replace it with live communication. Do not say that there are no friends or that they are all busy now. You can always find new acquaintances. Combine business with pleasure: sign up for a section: dancing, sports, needlework, theater, etc. There you will learn new things and make friends.

4.Radio and movies

If you cannot do without external noise, for example, while cooking in the kitchen, turn on the radio. There is music playing, and there is practically no news slag. Cinema has not been canceled either. A good movie is the same as a good book. But not a series, but a movie. And it is desirable to watch the disc so that there are no ads. And yes, don’t overdo it. You should not watch three films in a row, otherwise it is also addictive.

Here is a list of good films to help you: «TOP 12 films to change the way you think about the meaning of life.»

How much TV can you watch?

If you do watch TV, know how to filter information. According to the results of research, it is determined how much you can watch TV:

  • children under 2 years old — you can not watch at all;
  • 2 to 3 — only 30 minutes a day, but break this time into 5 minutes;
  • from 3 to 7 — only 50 minutes a day, but also divided into sessions;
  • from 7 to 14 — two hours a day in general, but in approaches;
  • adults — several hours a day for 40 minutes at a time, but between sessions a break of a quarter of an hour.

Nevertheless, television should be excluded from your life as much as possible. It’s a waste of time that could be better spent.


That’s all. I hope you have made the right decision for yourself. Recommend the article to your friends, especially parents whose children watch TV all day.

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