Why you shouldn’t dye your hair during pregnancy
Pregnant women also want to be beautiful. Therefore, despite the recommendations of doctors, they continue to dye their hair. Is it dangerous to take such risks? Obstetrician-gynecologist Irina Kalacheva expressed her opinion on this issue.
In ancient times, hair for a woman was her amulet, a symbol of her feminine strength, so there was no question of cutting her hair. Hence the ban on haircuts for the expectant mother came, and information about dyeing became controversial among doctors and hairdressers. The first stand for the health of the baby, the second – for positive emotions for a woman. It is true that being in the mood is the first condition for a happy pregnancy, and, of course, no woman will like it if a dirty woman is looking at her from the mirror.
But there are no hopeless situations, therefore there is always an alternative to chemical staining – natural cosmetics, which, in addition to beauty, also bring with them a healing and preventive effect.
We dye our hair with folk remedies
Even if you dyed your hair with folk remedies, you still need to take care of them with masks, decoctions, rinses, balms, which, however, can also be made from what grows in the garden.
Do you want to become a brunette?
Mix henna and basma in equal proportions, fill with hot water and apply the cooled gruel to the hair. After an hour, wash off the paint with shampoo.
Dreaming of a blonde?
Pour in a glass of water two tablespoons of dry onion peel and boil for about 20 minutes. Let the broth cool and apply to hair. After half an hour, you can safely wash it off.
Is red hair your dream?
Mix 4 teaspoons of cocoa with one packet of henna, apply to hair, warm with a bag and towel, and after 40 minutes wash off with shampoo.
Of course, these recipes will not help you radically change your image, but to maintain beauty at a height very much.
The most beautiful woman is, of course, a woman expecting a child, because she is on the verge of a miracle. Healthy hair is the pride and adornment of every lady. Such a controversial issue as hair coloring is often decided in your favor in this delicate period of life.
There are no contraindications for the dyeing procedure, but it must be borne in mind that sometimes as a result you can get a color that is different from the desired one, since the hair structure of a pregnant woman undergoes strong changes, and allergic reactions are frequent. It is better to trust a professional hairdresser and before starting the procedure, be sure to inform the master about your situation. In this case, he will be able to choose products with weak or quickly washable dyes, preferring semi-permanent, organic or natural.
When skin comes into contact with paint, only a small amount of harmful substances enters the bloodstream, which is not capable of harming the baby. Moreover, everyone knows that the placenta protects the baby from negative environmental influences and it simply will not allow their penetration to the fetus. Stay attractive, desirable, and loved no matter what your position!