Why you should read books: six good reasons and video

Why you should read books: six good reasons and video

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People don’t find time to read books. However, research shows that the benefits of reading are great. In the process of reading, brain activity increases, the work of the brain is stimulated.

Those people who understand the value and significance of the book can truly enjoy reading. But due to current trends, people prefer watching movies to the unhurried living of history. But no director can accurately convey the plot of the novel.

Only a book is capable of this, opening up new facets of the perception of the world, which we might not have known about before. It develops thinking, imagination, thinking and reasoning skills.

Why you need to read books

Here are six arguments about the benefits of reading books, with which one cannot disagree.

Intellect enhancement

Books are a repository of facts, events, knowledge. By reading a lot of literary works of different genres, you improve your erudition. Despite the advances in modern technology, reading has been and will be the best learning tool. Those who read a lot are broad-minded.

Increase your vocabulary

By reading systematically, you expand your vocabulary. For example, if you read works of an unusual genre for you, you will come across new words that you can understand either from the context or using an explanatory dictionary. Your vocabulary will gradually grow.

Preservation of youth

German scientists have found a way to preserve mental activity and youth. According to scientists, the active work of the brain helps to maintain not only intellectual strength, but also physical strength. This applies to people of different ages. Reading can prolong life!

Restful sleep

Researchers have found that reading before bed is a healthy habit. It helps to relax and distract from pressing problems. An entertaining book reduces stress levels and treats depression.

A good book is an inexpensive and effective way to deal with stress and daily stress, and also the best replacement for sleeping pills.

Memory development

Numerous studies have shown that people who regularly read train and develop their memory. No wonder. After all, avid book lovers every day receive a large flow of information that needs to be processed, organized and remembered.

It can also be noted that the reader, in an effort to follow the storylines in order to remember all the names, characters of the heroes, activates his memory.

Improving communication and empathy

A person who reads a lot is more likely to be able to express their thoughts clearly and clearly. People who read are interesting conversationalists. At the very least, this can be explained by an extensive list of topics for conversation.

Reading fiction allows the reader to imagine himself in the place of another person, due to which the ability to empathy develops.

Reading good books is rewarding. It is worth spending more time on this, a positive result will not keep you waiting. Read more, choose works of different genres, develop. If you have a child, younger brother or sister, grandson, nephew, read fairy tales together. It is very important.


Don’t miss out on additional information on why you need to read books.

Benefits of Reading. Why Read. The influence of the book on the person

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