Why you should eat fresh vegetables and fruits – experts

Digestive problems are still in bloom.

British scientists (this time everything is serious!) From the University of Leeds started a large-scale study. It covered over 40 thousand people. Scientists were interested in what and how much people eat, as well as how they assess their level of satisfaction with life. In addition, age, education, income, marital status, employment status, lifestyle and health were analyzed. And then a connection was found between the feeling of happiness in a person and vegetables in his diet.

It turned out that just one extra serving of vegetables or fruits a day can affect mental well-being in the same way as eight additional XNUMX-minute walks a month.

“People who eat more fruits and vegetables report higher levels of psycho-emotional well-being than those who neglect them.” surprised Dr. Neil Ocean of the University of Leeds.

Five to six servings of fruits and vegetables every day is like getting married or marrying the love of your life. If you add ten servings of different fresh herbs to your daily menu, it will affect emotional well-being in much the same way as if you suddenly found your dream job. And if you give up these products altogether, the mood will become even worse than those of those who have just lost a loved one.

Research has shown that adding ten extra servings of fruits and vegetables, herbs and berries to your daily diet has the same effect on our emotional well-being as the transition from unemployment to work.

Speaking of serving size, it’s about the size of a fist if they’re fresh, and half if they’re cooked. It turns out that scientists advise to eat a dozen carrots or small apples, several handfuls of salad a day. With such a diet, you will also inevitably lose weight, because other, heavier foods simply will not fit in you. Solid pluses!

What is the nature of such a phenomenon, scientists do not yet know for sure. There is only an assumption that fruits and vegetables reduce inflammation, the level of internal stress, and, on the contrary, increase serotonin. In addition, in winter it is an excellent source of vitamins, you just need to choose the right fruit.

“But despite the obvious benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables on a regular basis, the majority of those surveyed eat less than the recommended five servings a day,” the researchers lament.

Do you eat the right amount of fresh vegetables and fruits?

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