Why you need to watch cartoons and how to do it right
Let’s figure it out together with an expert.
There is a lot of controversy about the benefits and harms of cartoons. But everything ends outside the doorstep of the apartment in which the family lives with children. Parents turn on and will turn on cartoons, and children ask them to arrange another session. As such, it’s important to be able to turn your viewing into a benefit.
Cartoons are fairy tales in a new way
Fairy tales were invented in ancient times. They were told to both adults and children. Fairy tales often ended in morality. With their help, the listeners were informed about the ideas of right and wrong, norms of behavior accepted in society.
The Tale of Thumbelina is a great story for the whole family to watch.
Today it is difficult to imagine that the whole family gathered for the sake of a fairy tale. Parents read books less and less. Therefore, fairy tales were forced to transform and acquired the form of cartoons. Of course, not all of them are useful. But not all fairy tales were originally intended for a children’s audience.
Choosing cartoons correctly
Like fairy tales, cartoons can help with parenting. For example, to form an idea of uXNUMXb uXNUMXbthe beautiful, instill a love of music, and even arouse interest in science! But how do you know if the cartoon is correct?
“Moidodyr” is not just an interesting cartoon, but also a useful one. With its help, children will learn about the importance of hygiene procedures.
– Read the description, watch the trailer. You can study what they write on the “mother’s forums”, – advises family psychologist and mother of two children Maria Tikhonova. – Of course, there are many people there without psychological education. But this does not mean that their opinion should not be listened to. Watch the words: if mommy says that the child watched the cartoon as hypnotized, after watching it was nervous or showed aggression, this is a signal that you should not show it to the baby.
The heroine of the cartoon “Cinderella” can become an example of kindness and good attitude towards animals for a child.
The main selection criterion is the category to which the cartoon belongs. Instructive (the child will be able to comprehend the situation and draw conclusions) and introductory (learn something new) are considered suitable.
– An important fact is the age of the child. Let me remind you that kids under one and a half years old are not allowed to watch cartoons! Up to three – the viewing time is limited – no more than 15 minutes a day. After three – under the control of the parents, – continues Maria. – Children watch some cartoons several times. Hear what the child has to say after watching. If he repeats bad words after the characters or tries to repeat the leprosy, perhaps you should not arrange a new session.
Why you need to watch cartoons with children
We have already said that fairy tales traditionally end in morality. Alas, most cartoons have lost such an important part. Well, then it’s the parents’ turn.
Psychologists fully approve of the cartoon “Winnie the Pooh”.
– Most often, parents turn on cartoons to dismiss the child. I am totally against this approach. If you want the viewing to be useful, you need to watch them together. If the child is small and the tape is long, resemble a storyline. Explain phenomena that are incomprehensible. For example, this is fireworks. It happens on holidays. Now the heroes are celebrating a victory, a wedding, a birthday … – says the specialist. – Asking what emotions a given situation evokes in a child is important for the development of emotional intelligence. This will help him, already in adulthood, to understand how other people feel in a particular situation.
Cartoon “Trolls” (2016) from DreamWorks is a real riot of colors and a vivid example of friendship and courage. By the way, the cartoon has become one of the most popular in Russia. Thousands of children fell in love with the heroes of this fairy tale.
After the multi-session, you can once again discuss what you saw.
– If the child is very small, draw your own conclusions. Older children can be asked to analyze what they see on their own, says Maria. – “What did you understand? Why did this hero do a dirty trick? “
The discussion will not be so boring if it is carried out in a playful way.
Which toys are best to use?
The main thing here is that they evoke positive emotions in the child. Teddy bears and hares, mitten toys, even ordinary cubes – all this will make a seemingly serious analysis a fun and, no doubt, a useful game.
Do you want it to be also educational in nature? Pens and pencils depicting heroes or fabulous “trolls”, invented specifically to make learning fun and interesting, will come to the rescue.
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They are pencil erasers made in the shape of the heroes of the popular cartoon “Trolls”. You can get erasers at Pyaterochka completely free of charge when purchasing for an amount of 555 rubles or more (one figure for every 555 rubles in a check). And if you are not in the mood for shopping, but want to please your child, at the checkout you can buy an eraser for only 49 rubles, as well as a special pencil case for a fabulous collection, as well as the board card game “Trolls”.
It is up to you which toy to choose for discussion. Ultimately, the main thing is for the child to develop and discover a new world with pleasure.