Why you can’t whistle in the house and five more house prohibitions

Why you can’t whistle in the house and five more house prohibitions

Some omens and superstitions are so firmly intertwined with etiquette and traditions that they have become part of our way of life.

Each nation boasts its own set of superstitions that foreigners will be alien and completely incomprehensible. But this does not mean at all that these customs, signs and rituals do not work. In addition, they do not appear out of the blue: people have been observing the phenomena for a long time and analyzing their causes. Let not in science, but as best they could. And our ancestors did not make mistakes so often. So maybe some of the signs are still worth believing?

Whistling in the house – to lack of money

Ask any of us why it is impossible to whistle in the house, everyone will answer without hesitation: there will be no money. In the old days, it was believed that by whistling we call evil spirits that steal the financial well-being of the family. Moreover, he steals from the present and even from the future. And the brownie is very offended by the whistle, leaves the house, and the whole economy collapses. The whistle is, in fact, the wind. To which the attitude was the most ambiguous, because the wind can have a destructive force. About frivolous women they said so: whistles.

“In ancient times it was said that whistling could bring trouble upon oneself or it could cause grief. In fact, the explanation is simple and without any mysticism – if a person simply walks, holding his hands in his pockets and whistling, then there can be no talk of any money. To have money, you have to work, ”explains psychic Tatyana Zhmakina.

Don’t forget to sit down on the track

A sign that invariably shocks foreigners. They simply cannot understand why the Russians, having packed their suitcases, suddenly sit down and sit silently for half a minute. There seems to be no reasonable explanation for this superstition. Our ancestors believed that, suddenly hitting the road, you can confuse the brownie and take him with you. The spirit of the hearth will catch up with the owner – and that’s all, write lost: the house will lose its soul. But this tradition looks like obscurantism only at first glance.

In fact, you need to sit down on the track in order to take a little breath after training, relax your head and understand if you have forgotten what. Cut off the gas? Did you get the documents? Did you leave the keys to the neighbors so that they water the flowers and create the appearance of the owners’ presence in the house – in case the intruders are interested in your apartment? It’s so easy to forget about something really important in the hustle and bustle.

Don’t sit on the table and windowsill

Actually, it’s just uncivilized. After all, you are a well-mannered intelligent person, why do you need to put your butt on the table where you usually eat? And believers even call the table “the palm of God” – after all, they read a prayer before eating, thanking the Almighty for the food. Demonstrating disrespect for the dinner table means bringing financial trouble to yourself: your table will be empty, and you yourself will be hungry.

By the way, you shouldn’t sit on the desktop either, unless it’s your own. Few people like it when their workplace is used this way. And if you also sit with your back to the owner of the table in order to talk to someone else in the office, you simply sign your own lack of culture and bad manners.

Another prohibition is on sitting on the windowsill. “Don’t sit, girl, on the windowsill – you won’t get married,” the sign says. And all because since the girl sits at the window all day, it means that she has nothing to do. Beloruchka, no mistress of her – in general, not up to suitors.

Another sign associated with marriage. They said that the girl sitting on the corner would never marry. In fact, it was like this before, the girls who got this place, and lived out the age of old maidens. This is because foster children used to get the most uncomfortable place at the table. They were not supposed to have a dowry, and a dowry woman had a very small chance of getting married.

Now the question of the dowry is no longer so acute. But esotericists still believe that a corner is not the best place at the table. It directs an aggressive flow of negative energy straight into the solar plexus area, thereby condemning the girl to loneliness.

However, many simply laugh at this sign, saying: “I sit at the corner – I will always be with my corner.”

Don’t let the guests wash the dishes

This ban applied to families with unmarried daughters. Once the guest will wash the dishes after him, the girl will be ta-dam! – will never marry. Because the one who is now splashing in the sink will take away all the suitors of the owner’s daughter. Or just wash them out of the house. In some areas, it was even believed that this was not done out of a desire to help, but in order to harm the girl’s personal life, which already did not work out.

In addition, overly economic guests can harm the financial well-being of the family. My dishes, a stranger will wash peace, harmony and wealth from the house in one fell swoop. Luck will turn away from the family, and if the guest was also in a bad mood, then he will spoil the hosts through the dishes – unintentionally, the energies just merge.

A truly mystical property is still attributed to salt crystals. According to esotericists, salt is able to absorb energy – both evil and good. It cannot be lent – this is how you give part of your own life energy. You can clean the energy of the apartment with salt: just sprinkle coarse salt on the carpet and vacuum it after half an hour.

“After that, take out the bag from the vacuum cleaner and throw it away from home,” adds the esotericist Igor Akhmedov.

And as for the omen about the spilled salt – this is all due to the fact that it used to be very expensive. It was wasteful to wake her up. However, the negative from such a mini-misfortune could be smoothed out very simply: draw a cross on the spilled salt with your little finger, and then throw a pinch over your shoulder, remembering to laugh.

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