Why you can’t wear streetwear at home
We never imagined that everything was so serious.
Since childhood, this habit has firmly entered life: coming from the street, you must immediately change your clothes. Still – otherwise, after all, my mother can apply sanctions. However, in adulthood, we often neglect this rule. All the same, soon to go to bed, why do these changing clothes ten times. And at home it is sometimes so cold that I want to put on all the warm sweaters at once, and nothing that we are in them and in the movies, and at work. It turns out that in this case it is better to have a home sweater, but not to wear a “day off” at home. After all, it is dangerous to health.
“When we walk down the street, ride in transport, sit on benches, the clothes will certainly come into contact with the surrounding surfaces,” explains microbiologist Olga Polshina. – A huge amount of, I emphasize, road dust accumulates on the fabric. It consists of chemically hazardous particles that are formed when the wheels of cars rub against the asphalt. Coming home, we begin to inhale these poisons indoors. This leads to airway pollution, then lung problems. It is worth noting that, according to experts, a person inhales about 4 grams of dust. If translated into the usual volume, these are two tablespoons! Then all this is absorbed into the bloodstream and carried throughout the body. “
And we carefully carry all this dirty trick around the house – we’ll sit on an armchair, on a sofa, or even lie down on a bed, we’ll sit in the kitchen. It turns out very unhygienic.
Dust is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. These tiny particles, invisible to the eye, contain pollen of plants, animal hair, waste products of dust mites, etc. All this can become a causative agent of allergies in the future – asthma (chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract. – Approx. ed.). Also on the fan blades, scientists have found microorganisms that can cause gangrene (the death of any part of the body as a result of the cessation of blood supply. – Ed.)
“Moreover, there is a huge amount of microbes on the street, which we collect for clothes and shoes,” Polshina continues. – Among them there are deadly ones, which were identified by American scientists. This is listeria. They provoke an infectious disease transmitted from animals to humans and affect the nervous system and lymphoid tissue. These bacteria can cause miscarriage, meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord. – Ed.) and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain. – Ed.)
Dust is impossible to get rid of. Its existence must be accepted as a fact. It is important to understand that you should not be lazy, especially when it comes to health. It is necessary to carry out light wet cleaning at least three times a week! Believe me, this will take no more than 15-20 minutes. Close attention should be paid to the corridor, where all the street clothes and shoes are located. Before putting things in order, put on rubber gloves, and add a special anti-allergenic detergent to the water for cleaning the floor. Wipe down windowsills, openings behind doors, under the bed, shake out the rugs thoroughly and be sure to wash under them.
Well, and it is better to leave street clothes as close to the exit as possible and in no case wander around the house in them.