Why you can’t wash dishes at a party, signs that work

Why you can’t wash dishes at a party, signs that work

Will take a myriad of us. They have survived for millennia, accepted by millions of people for the truth. They hardly appeared without intent. Initially, in order to force the small or stubborn in a roundabout way to do something that would be impossible to achieve directly. Over time, they began to be obeyed unrequitedly and followed unaccountably. For example: throwing pieces of bread into a bucket is a disadvantage in the house, it is better to feed them to birds, animals. Or if someone at dinner, without having finished their piece of bread, takes on another, then someone close to him will starve and endure want. All this is like a belief – stupid, but as a rule, everyday life is good and useful.

Why you can’t wash dishes at a party

“The guest does not stay for long, but sees a lot” – this folk wisdom has been passed from mouth to mouth by Russian hostesses for centuries. And they added: “The guests will leave, they will wash the owner’s bones.”

Now many people consider it good form to offer the hostess after the evening party help in cleaning the table and washing the dishes. Say, I want to take on some of your worries. The experience of many, many generations of people recommends: only people who are very close to the family can do this.

From time immemorial, dishes and everything related to cooking and eating were carefully protected from damage and the evil eye. In everything that concerns the hearth, it was not customary for an outsider to be in charge. Hundreds of years ago, the hostesses were afraid that the guest, penetrating into such an intimate sphere of family life, would take away wealth and prosperity from home.

This sign has survived to this day. Therefore, when planning to offer your help at a party, think twice: what if the owners are superstitious?

Do not put the bag on the floor – to the need

Whether this is true or not, and all that can bring on a lack of money, it is not a sin to be more attentive. For many years of people’s observation of a series of random coincidences, they have derived the following formula: the bag in which the wallet lies has no place on the floor. Grandmothers say: “All the wealth will go to the floor.”

Nowadays, this sign is interpreted as follows: do not treat money carelessly, do not throw it at random and anywhere, otherwise they will be “taken away.” Modern rules of etiquette are as follows: they do not put a bag on the floor because it is dirty, they do not put it on the table because it is unhygienic, therefore they put it on special pedestals or hang it on hooks. The large luggage bag is, of course, left on the floor.

Do not whistle in the house – there will be no money

Of course, it will not, because whistling in a residential building, you disrespect the wisdom that came from the hoary antiquity. Our ancestors believed that the whistler in the upper room attracts evil spirits and acts on the nerves of the domovoy – the forces of good and the hearth of whistling do not like.

Whistle is the wind, and in the old days this element was treated with great caution. A big wind will leave without a crop, and will sink ships, and break gardens, and tear off roofs. The wind is hunger, destruction, orphanhood. They even say so about frivolous women: whistles!

Yes, and the sedate owner has no time to whistle, he cares about the economy day and night. In general, even if you do not believe in omens, practice whistling in specially designated places. Otherwise, the wind will “whistle” all the wealth.

Sitting on the table means attracting trouble

How can you carelessly treat your daily bread when it comes from hard work? How can you desecrate a place for eating, despite the fact that it is customary for good people to offer a prayer of thanks to the Lord before eating? This is how our great-great-great-grandmothers and grandfathers reasoned when the notion that one should not sit on the table was forming.

The table is a family gathering place. At the table, advice is held, worries and joys are discussed. He was not made to flop on top of him. In the old days, they were afraid to anger the Almighty and the spirits of the hearth in this way, but now it is simply considered uncivilized. Even if you are a super-advanced person and, as they say, “you don’t believe in God, nor in the devil, nor in the raven’s sky”, this is no reason to ignore certain rules that life itself sets.

You can not use cracked dishes – to the need

Let’s start right away with the most important thing: first of all, it is simply dangerous to eat and drink from cracked dishes. When drinking a cup or a plate when washing at an unkind moment disintegrates right along the crack, and you can get severely injured by the sharp edges of the fragments.

Now about “subtle matters”. You’ve probably heard such an expression – “the house is a full bowl”? Now imagine that the bowl is cracked and all the good escapes through this crack.

Chipped dishes have never been favored in everyday life in Russia, and Feng Shui also does not approve. Sorcerers and various sorcerers warn about an “injured”, abnormal energy field near the tableware chipped and glued from the fragments. They explain this by the accumulation of negative energy in this object.

You can store it as a relic, as a memory somewhere in a secluded place, a mug of your beloved deceased veteran grandfather or an antique sugar bowl inherited. And serving food in chipped and cracked dishes is disrespect for yourself and your guests. This is unaesthetic, sloppy and is a sign of bad taste.

Whether you are going to the country house, or flying to Thailand on vacation – before leaving the house, sit down for at least half a minute and sit silently.

They say that in time immemorial people believed that, having abruptly jumped off on a journey, one could accidentally take away the soul of a hut – a brownie. He will take it and follow the owner.

In addition, sitting the last minutes before the road in the hut, people were waiting for a sign from a kind home spirit – maybe it would somehow warn you that danger awaits on the way and it is better to postpone the trip? And now, sitting down on the path, we kind of ask for support from our native walls. Yes, and there is a minute to think again: have you forgotten something, like tickets or a passport?

You can not go to the matrimonial bed at a party

Many people think that sitting down or lying down on the bed of an outside married couple is like letting a black cat between husband and wife. Expect scandals and betrayals, and even divorce!

This topic is just a paradise for psychics. You created and created the aura of love on your bed, cleansed and cleaned the energy of the bedroom, and then a stranger comes and climbs on the altar of love with his alien biofield.

The most difficult thing is to observe the inviolability of the matrimonial bed for residents of the one-room apartment, where all life takes place on one folding sofa – both the conception of children and the reception of guests.

Probably, the sacred inviolability of the bed is the result of the upbringing of grandmothers, owners of beds with fluffed feather beds, lace valances and a mountain of pillows under muslin.

Long ago, when life was more meager than it is now, salt was rare and cost a lot of money. It was added to food in microscopic doses and preserved for salting meat or fish. Hence the saying – “we ate a pound of salt with him”, that is, we have known each other for many years. Needless to say, accidentally overturning the salt shaker was considered an unforgivable negligence. There was not just a quarrel, there also smelled of corporal punishment.

You can not cross the intersection diagonally – you will collect other people’s diseases

The intersection of roads or streets has long been considered a place where evil spirits love to frolic. That is why a lot of rituals were developed to get rid of troubles and ailments: they carried the spoken things or money to the intersection – let the devil take it.

So humanity came to the conclusion: there is no need to pick up anything at the crossroads, even if there is gold there. At the intersection of roads it is also not recommended to eat, yawn, and count your money. And despite the fact that in many countries of the world there have been officially diagonal intersections for a long time, many, who have heard the whispers of grandmothers, cross them strictly along the sides of the large square – out of harm’s way.

You cannot talk and transmit something across the threshold

A huge number of superstitions is associated with the threshold: at the dawn of civilization, people interpreted the motives of the behavior of the forces of good and evil as best they could. Now it would hardly occur to anyone to bury a respected relative under the threshold of the house to protect them from evil spirits, and there were such pagan times, just imagine. Hence the ban on sitting on the doorstep went.

The entrance to the dwelling is the border between two worlds. The outside is full of unclean spirits, but inside the “master” helps, protects. They do not transmit anything through the threshold and do not speak – either they go outside together, or they decide important matters in the home world. Otherwise – misunderstanding, enmity, and then poverty, impoverishment, crop failure, drought, flood, loss of livestock.

It is not for nothing that a man brings a young wife into the house in his arms – this is so that the spirits of the house will accept them as a single whole and let a new mistress into the house.

Elena Frolova, Julia Ionina

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