Just one eloquent photo will definitely convince you of this.
Doctors advise pregnant women to be more careful with cosmetics: some creams, hair dye or nail varnishes may contain substances that are not useful for the health of the expectant mother and baby. After childbirth, the restrictions are lifted, only dietary recommendations remain while mommy is breastfeeding. 20-year-old Kezia was looking forward to the moment when it would be possible to use decorative cosmetics again. But something went wrong.
Finally, hurray, the baby is already five months old, all prohibitions have been lifted. Kezia decided to get a little tan – after all, winter is winter, and the blue-green tint of the skin does not suit anyone. The girl ran into the salon, where they applied self-tanning in a professional way: it is both quick and safe, unlike tanning in a solarium. Satisfied with the result, Kezia rushed home: the five-month-old Raf began to spin in a wheelchair, it was clear that he would soon wake up and he would have to be fed.
Kezia made it home in time. She fed the baby, weaned it from her breast – and could not help laughing. The son looked as if he had begun to grow brutal stubble. And then she got scared and went to Twitter to ask for advice on how to clean up this mess.
“Like Homer Simpson,” she captioned the photo. “I was hoping that the paint would have time to dry, but Raf woke up too quickly.”
Yes, it was all about the self-tanning. He just “shed” on the baby’s face, and it is not a fact that the composition of body paint for such young children is safe.
“I’ve used a self-tanner before, but I usually did it in the evening after the last feed,” explains Kezia. – Of course, I won’t use it anymore. It took me an hour to scrub Raf’s face. ”