Why you can’t take out the trash on Sundays

Until recently, human life was not regulated by the weather forecast, the ruble exchange rate or the epidemiological situation. People were guided by the wisdom of generations, contained in many signs. Gradually, the omens were overgrown with myths, sometimes even distorted, and to this day they have come down, for the most part, completely meaningless. But if you dig deeper, you can believe in them. Or at least understand.

For example, such a simple thing as garbage. It is strictly forbidden to throw it away on Sundays. Why? And all because Sunday is, according to religious beliefs, a holiday, a day off in the full sense of the word. It is strictly forbidden to work on this day, otherwise you can pollute the bright spirit of Sunday. Taking out the trash is also work. So it is worth emptying the waste bucket in advance, on Saturday, and spending the whole day on Sunday indulging in a well-deserved rest.

And this is not the only case when you cannot take the trash out of the house. We have collected others as well.

On holidays

Not on New Year’s and not on March 8, we are talking about other holidays – religious. Since on Sunday you can spoil the bright spirit, then on Easter, Trinity, Christmas or Palm Sunday, and even more so. It is also not recommended to work on big holidays, therefore it is worth taking out the garbage and cleaning up in advance.

In the evenings and at night

Taking out the trash at night while looking is a bad omen. This is probably why some neighbors put a stinking bag on the stairwell: the house does not smell, and okay, in the morning I’ll take it out on the way to work. Habit, to be sure, disgusting. And a sign came from the long-standing belief that all the evil spirits that live in the house nest around the trash can. If you deprive them of this “point of attraction”, then evil spirits will go roaming all over the apartment, climb into the bedroom, then quarrels between the spouses cannot be avoided.

Another reason – people believed that together with the garbage in the night family prosperity will go away too… But what will be added is gossip. For some reason, it was believed that throwing out trash after sunset provoked people to discuss rumors.

And evil people can pick up garbage and spoil… Although this is just doubtful – damage is usually caused to personal belongings, hair or nail clippings. And even the most vicious person is unlikely to rummage through the trash can in search of hair.

1 Comment

  1. proponuję jeden dzień nie sprzątnąć w mieszkaniu.
    niedziela jest najgorszym dniem w tygodniu

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