Hello! Today we are exploring the question of why a person swears, what it gives him, and what it deprives him of. And, of course, we will consider methods by which you can, if not completely get rid of the use of obscene words, then at least significantly reduce their number. So, are you ready?
Pluses of «mate»
- Sometimes there are situations when it is simply impossible to do without a strong word. With its help, it is easier to speak out and express the whole gamut of experienced emotions. But only on condition that such situations are rare.
- Relieve stress. No matter what beautiful epithets a person chooses to address the offender in order to humiliate his dignity and express indignation, you must admit that it will not work as well as if you did not clearly, concisely and concisely formulate your attitude towards him with the help of abuse. Sometimes you can even experience relief and pleasure from a well-chosen word, and on the topic.
- There is a certain contingent of the population, with very limited abilities, who simply do not understand what they are saying until they turn on the “special” swear language.
British scientists have proven
An experiment was once conducted in Britain, during which it turned out that the mat helps to reduce pain. They took seventy students and divided them, as usual, into two groups. The subjects had to dip their hands into very cold water and hold it there for as long as they could.
In the first group, young people had to swear at the most difficult moments, when it would become completely unbearable. In the second — to repeat some phrase, completely devoid of emotional load and meaning. And what do you think the results were? It is true that the foul-mouthed won, because on average they stayed in the icy water for 45 seconds longer than their opponents, so to speak.
In addition, it was found that those who practically do not use a strong word in everyday life achieved the greatest analgesic effect. If you remember, the right hemisphere of a person is responsible for emotions, but the left hemisphere is responsible for speech. So, at the moment of using curses in the body, endorphins, hormones of joy, are released, which affect various centers of the brain. They cause a feeling of euphoria, which helps to reduce sensitivity, hence the pain relief effect.
Minus the «fabric»
1. In psychology, it is believed that individuals who often resort to obscene language in a conversation are not able to express their emotions in another way. Emotional intelligence, that is, awareness and the ability to track, show feelings, is also important to develop, like aikyu.
2. It has been scientifically proven that a person’s DNA can change depending on his speech using electromagnetic channels. But what can I say, even if thanks to thoughts a person can send certain impulses to the Universe, since they have energy, especially if they are strongly emotionally colored. You can read about this in detail in the article about the materialization of thoughts. This is the secret to healing people who pray and believe in the power of prayer. And this is why it is impossible to use foul language, otherwise we risk acquiring diseases, attracting failures and troubles.
3. In some countries, mating is punishable by law, in particular, in Russia as well. So you run the risk of getting a fine in case of foul language in a public place, and this will negatively affect both your reputation and your financial situation.
4. Unfortunately, frequent swearing is a sign of mental illness. Especially if it is out of place, just offensive, and completely without respect for any boundaries. For example, with young children, or with a higher authoritarian leadership.
How not to swear?
It is necessary to realize that the use of obscene language has already crossed the acceptable norm, and is a bad habit that you do not have much control over. Otherwise, how to unlearn swearing, if we assume that everything is fine, and other people just find fault? Changes happen when a person decides on them himself. That is, not at someone’s request, but on their own realization that there is a lot of harm from addiction.
Addiction prevents you from living a quality and full life, gradually but surely moving forward and developing. So, if you think it’s time to stop, I hasten to congratulate you — you have practically defeated the «enemy», there is little left to do.
Now you need to become as careful as possible in order to track exactly at what moments you resort to foul language. If possible, limit situations when you are not holding back, but if this is not possible, then choose one of the relaxation techniques from the article on breathing techniques, and use it in the most dangerous and stressful moments.
Think about whether there is a place in your soul for shame? If so, in front of whom is it most embarrassing to show oneself not from the best side? Who is it? Mom and dad, the woman you like, the child, or just a neighbor? And it does not matter, even if this person is no longer physically around, or if he has died — his image is stored in our heart as long as it is important and valuable.
Now think, could you use a strong word in his presence? If not, then every time the urge to scold arises, imagine that he is somewhere nearby and looks at you. Or suspend yourself thinking about what he said, be with you at the moment?
Shame, in fact, slows down a person in his manifestations, preventing him from achieving what he wants, stopping the impulse, the energy message. It can sometimes be used to your advantage, if used carefully, only in cases where the setting turns out to be resourceful, not limiting.
Many people want to look worthy in the eyes of others, whom they want to equal and be like. And this is especially desirable for those who strive for self-development. Tell me, would you be reading this article right now if you didn’t want to become a better person? I doubt. So, remember some of your close and distant acquaintances, among them are those who abuse obscenities? If so, how did you feel around you? Did you have a sense of respect for them? And the desire to communicate more often?
It’s time to change your thinking
Someone who constantly uses foul language generally looks at the world in a pessimistic way. Everything irritates him, it turns out not to be the way he wants, those around him are disappointing and, in general, they don’t understand something and don’t know how. Such a person simply loses the ability to notice the good, focusing only on the negative.
So take on board an article about positive thinking and start taking action to improve the quality of life.
Also, affirmations will help you stop swearing, that is, positive attitudes that can be used instead of swear words. It won’t be easy at first, but you’ll get used to it over time. What is it and how to apply, you will learn from this article.
Come up with a small punishment, for example, for every swear word you do push-ups. Of course, you won’t be able to immediately start doing it, the situation does not always make you act as you want. But you can count every time you give a slack, and in the evening, getting home, atone for, so to speak, sins.
By the way, this way you will put your figure in order, you will be in good shape and much happier. After all, during exercise, the body produces endorphins.
Read at every opportunity, make time, even if your schedule is overly busy. Your vocabulary will increase, and then there will be no need to resort to swear words to express your feelings. You will be able to do it in a more acceptable and pleasant language. It is recommended to focus on classical literature, then move on to what you like. Find out more about the benefits of books here.
And that’s all for today, dear readers! If you do not immediately succeed in speaking in a beautiful literary language, do not despair. Obscene speech, like other bad habits, is not formed in one day, which means that you will have to put a lot of effort and patience to overcome it. But you will feel how your life, thoughts and even relationships with others are changing, and this is definitely worth the fight. So believe in yourself and you will succeed!