There are generally accepted rules of behavior on how to behave in the kitchen: wash your hands before eating, clean up the dishes. And there are unwritten ones, but which would also be nice to observe, so as not to incur trouble.
For a long time, people believed that not only people and pets, but also other entities – house spirits and various spirits – live with us in our homes. They protect us, but only if people do not offend these entities with inappropriate behavior. Signs say that if you break the rules written by folk wisdom, you can incur many different misfortunes. We have compiled a list of kitchen bans – something that absolutely cannot be done here.
Sit on the table
Signs are prescribed to treat the dining table with the utmost respect. It should always be covered with a clean tablecloth, tidied up. And it is categorically impossible to sit on it, otherwise you will not end up with problems. If an unmarried girl sits down on the table, she will never find a groom for her to be her eternal bride. If you sit on the corner of the table, you can bring on yourself the crown of celibacy. In addition, signs for sitting on the table threaten with money and health problems. Cherry on the cake: You can also lose luck for this behavior.
In general, this is simply indecent, but at home everyone is his own master.
Sweep the crumbs with the palm of your hand
In the old days, crumbs could not be thrown away just like that. With all due respect to food, everything that woke up on the table was collected in a tablecloth and fed to the animals. It was just that nothing should have been lost – what hunger is, many knew firsthand. For brushing off the crumbs, omens threaten poverty, family quarrels and scandals. And around the one who brushed the crumbs off the table, gossip and rumors will certainly begin to swarm. On top of that, sweeping away crumbs with the palm of our hand, we program the house for financial difficulties. After all, this habit is the habit of the poor.
Leave the dishes overnight
Brownies simply hate this habit. A surefire way to anger them is to leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight or knives on the table. For this, the owner of the house will take cruel revenge: everything in the household will go wrong. There will be more broken dishes, equipment will break down more often, quarrels will break out every day. We’ll have to appease the brownie so that he changes his anger to mercy. However, all these problems can be easily solved by a dishwasher – you can charge it to work overnight, and the brownie will have no complaints about you. And nightly electricity rates are lower than daytime.
To count money
You can keep money in the kitchen – this place is considered one of the best to keep a reserve of cash here. The ideal place for such a piggy bank is on the refrigerator. But folk wisdom prohibits counting money in the kitchen, just as putting money on the dining table is considered a very bad omen. The sign says that you just spend this money and nothing will remain.
Paint your nails
Signs are sympathetic to self-care. But everything has its place. For example, if a girl paints her nails in her bedroom, she will attract a good husband and a great lover. And if in the kitchen, then the husband will be lazy and mismanaged. In addition, the brownie will take revenge for the manicure at the dining table: she will make sure that the hostess gets more minor domestic injuries, and the food she cooks is tasteless.
Lay the pillow on the table
This is the most terrible sign. It says that if you put a pillow on the table, wait in the house of the deceased. It is unlikely, of course, that it would occur to someone to drag a pillow in the kitchen at all. But there are also cushions on the chairs. They also have no place on the table.
Do you believe in signs?
No, this is stupid.
Only those that can be justified logically.
I do not dwell on this, but I try to comply.
I believe that folk wisdom is not invented out of the blue.