Why you can’t pluck your nose hair

Why you can’t pluck your nose hair

It turns out that this habit can backfire!

Each of us strives to look as attractive as possible, and the excess hair on the face and body, you must admit, only spoils the appearance. While there are many ways to deal with hair on the body and visible areas of the face, in order to get rid of the insidious hairs in the nose, most have to experience excessive inconvenience.

So, many of us make a huge mistake – pluck hair with tweezers… Let’s try to explain to you why this is absolutely not worth doing.

6 reasons not to pluck your nose hair:

First: what can we say, it is very, very painful. Secondly, after such a manipulation, you may face a much more unpleasant problem, namely ingrown hairs under the skinwhich often leads to the formation of pustules.

If all this did not scare you, then think about it: nature has not just rewarded us with hair in the nose. They perform a protective function, preventing microparticles from entering the body.… However, if you have removed the hair, then all the microbes that have settled at the root will instantly fall into the resulting microscopic wound.

In addition, these insidious and hateful nose hairs protect the body during the flu and SARS, preventing viruses from approaching you. Also, the hair in the nose is a kind of barrier against toxic damage… After all, it has already been proven that people who do not remove their nose hair are much less likely to have bronchial asthma than those who regularly spend time with tweezers in front of the mirror.

And it is worth considering that the most important function of the nose hair is performed in winter. So, cold air, penetrating the nose, lingers on the hair, thereby warming and protecting the mucous membrane from low temperatures.

Other options for getting rid of unwanted nose hair

Thus, taking into account all the factors, you should be more careful about this seemingly insignificant issue. And if, nevertheless, the hair in the nose gives you unnecessary discomfort, then use trimmer or small scissors… However, if you cannot cope with the task on your own, visit beauty salonwhere the specialist will select the right procedure for you.

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