Why you can’t mix tomatoes with cucumbers in salads

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An amazing thing: they lived quietly, for decades they cooked summer cucumber and tomato salads. And suddenly it turns out that it is harmful. Why? Let’s figure it out.

Why cucumber and tomato are incompatible

Everything is very simple. The point here is in the composition of vegetables and the characteristics of digestion.

Tomato and cucumber cannot stand each other. They are enemies. And every time they are mixed in salads, there is a Red vs. Green war. As it turned out, it lasts for many centuries! What is the reason for the discord?

Why you can’t mix tomatoes with cucumbers in salads

First, the tomato is a representative of acidic foods, and the cucumber is alkaline. When a salad of these “representatives” enters the human body, an acid-base reaction occurs. As a result, salts are formed that are harmful to the kidneys and liver.

It is known that tomatoes contain vitamin C antioxidants, but cucumber is able to neutralize these substances. All that remains is fiber.

Secondly, it is a feature of the digestive system. To digest tomatoes, the body produces certain enzymes. For cucumbers – other substances. Different enzymes cannot be produced at the same time.

Therefore, the product, which is waiting for its turn, begins to wander and wander out of boredom. The result is bloating and gas, which is harmful to health.

Incompatible Foods

  • Milk. It doesn’t go well with fruits, herbs and alcohol. Buckwheat porridge with milk will not bring any benefit: the trace elements of these products are not absorbed;
  • Cucumbers and tomatoes. Their combination disrupts the biochemical reactions of the body. Provoke the formation of excess salt, causing edema;
  • Potatoes with meat. This combination is difficult for the body. Protein requires acid, while starch requires alkali. These products remain in the stomach for a long time, causing heartburn, belching, and other digestive disorders;
  • Sandwiches with cheese and coffee. Such a set is useless. Cheese loses its calcium, which is hampered by carbohydrates. Coffee completely nullifies this process;
  • Melon: Cereals, fried foods, eggs, meat. The capricious lady Dynka does not tolerate neighbors. Eat it separately. For example, a couple of hours after lunch or breakfast;
  • Eggs: melon, cheese, fruits, potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes;
  • Corn: dates, bananas, raisins;
  • Chicken and pork in one dish;
  • Fruit immediately after eating – the fermentation process is inevitable!
  • Legumes and cheese.

Tree sticks! But what about scrambled eggs with tomatoes and minced pork and beef with the addition of chicken? In these incompatibilities, you can get confused completely. But the most important thing can be highlighted:

  • choose any side dish for meat instead of mashed potatoes;
  • prepare salads without mixing cucumbers with tomatoes in them;
  • melon – by itself;
  • if a sandwich with cheese, then replace coffee with tea.

Well, it’s already easier …

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