And 6 more “mirror” prohibitions, which folk wisdom conveys through the centuries.
For us it is just a convenient piece of furniture, but for our ancestors it is a window to the other world. Since ancient times, people have been wary of mirrors, because they were often used in magical rituals. Over the hundreds of years, many signs and superstitions associated with mirrors have appeared – they form a whole set of laws that cannot be violated when dealing with the world of reflections.
Don’t look at night
Darkness, darkness – the dark time of the day has long been associated with something mysterious, mystical and even frightening. It is at night that inexplicable things happen, strange sounds are heard and even perception changes. Many esotericists say that from midnight to three o’clock a portal opens to our reality for the inhabitants of the looking glass. In it you can see your own distorted reflection in the company of different spirits. To prevent unkind entities from taking your energy, it is best to look in a mirror with full lighting in the bathroom.
Do not be angry
Mirrors are guides not only to another reality, but also to the future. They have the ability to read human emotions, then send a signal to the energy-informational field and form further reality. Therefore, you need to look in the mirror only in a good mood. You can’t cry in front of him or get angry. Otherwise, these emotions will surely be relayed to the future – you run the risk of provoking problems in your professional activity or personal life, incurring ailments or injury.
If, for some reason, you remembered these warnings late enough, it is best to immediately smile at your reflection and explain to him why you did so. And if you burst into tears at the mirror and tears dripped onto its surface, take a white cloth, wipe the mirror well with any means and burn a rag.
Don’t look into the shards
A broken mirror strikes fear, first of all, because it is considered the worst omen. But not everything is so scary – a broken mirror must be thrown away correctly and in no case should you look at your reflection in the fragments. The fact is that the fragments distort not only the appearance of a person, but also his essence. For example, it can bode years of failure or long-term financial hardship.
One mirror, one reflection
There is also an opinion that two people should not look in the mirror at the same time, otherwise one of them will take away the luck and life energy of the other. But joint selfies in the mirror are so popular! You can consider this only a stupid superstition, but you can play it safe and take the warning seriously. If you nevertheless find yourself with someone at the same mirror, then blow on this person so as not to adopt his scenario of fate.
Do not stare
You can spend hours spinning in front of the mirror trying to get the perfect makeup, choose the right outfit and take a good photo. However, this is a bad idea. If you tried to do this, you probably noticed that soon your head starts to hurt, migraines and fatigue come on. It has long been proven by bioenergetics that mirrors take away energy, youth and strength. Therefore, try to distract from the mirror, do not put it so that you see your reflection every time you raise your head. Reflections in regular glass (such as a balcony door) or polished cabinet door are not as dangerous.
Do not put in the bedroom
In many bedrooms, you can see this picture – a mirror is standing or hanging directly in front of the bed. And this is one of three places where you shouldn’t post it. Such a mistake can have negative consequences – a sleeping person is defenseless, and a mirror can take away his strength and health. If you sleep alone, then you run the risk of staying in this status for a long time – in the company of only your reflection.
Reflect the beautiful
You cannot put the mirror so that various unpleasant places and things are reflected in it: dirty linen, untidy bed, other disorder. Otherwise, luck will drain from your home like water through your fingers.
من دیشب تا صبح خوایم نبرد نزدیک ساعت چهار بود که پا شدم تا آب بخورم رو به رویه تختم آینه
بود ناخداگاه چشمم به آینه مورد یهو قیافه خودم رو به طرز عجیبی ترسناک دیدم نمیدونم چطوری بگم ولی خیلی ترسیدم فقط خدا خدا میکردم توهم زده باشم شاید بگین دارم چرت میگم یا چون خوایم نیومد همچین چیزی دیدم ولی من مطمئنم که دیدم
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من پریشب خابم نبرد رفتم سرویس بهداشتی یه لحظه چشم به آینه خورد خیلی ترسیدم از ترس تا صبح بیدار بودم خیلی تصویرش ترسناک بود .