Why you can’t live next to power lines, cell towers and swamps

Price, location, area, documents – we study these points very carefully when choosing an apartment. But this is not enough.

You will check where the windows face, if there are noisy neighbors, if there is a kindergarten and shops nearby. And, of course, thoroughly study the owner’s documents. It seems that everything was foreseen. But there are nuances in the form of a dangerous neighborhood that we usually do not pay attention to. Wday.ru has collected myths and facts about places not worth living next to.

There is such a term “electromagnetic smog”. It means that electromagnetic waves are also a type of environmental pollution that must be taken into account. Power transmission lines are especially dangerous in this respect – powerful transmission lines. According to sanitary standards, if the line voltage is 330 kilowatts, then you should not approach it, let alone live, closer than 20 meters away. If the voltage is higher, then the distance also increases – up to 55 meters. If in doubt, the level of electromagnetic pollution can be measured by calling the SES staff with the appropriate equipment. But keep in mind: it is almost impossible to get rid of such housing.

“Housing next to power lines is illiquid. Finding a buyer for it is almost impossible, if only to throw off 30-40 percent of the market price, ”warns the realtor Lyudmila Voronina.

By the way, feng shui also does not advise living next to power lines. It is believed that all the well-being from the house will flow through the wires.

There are no scientifically proven facts that living near a swamp is bad for health. After all, the whole Peter is built on swamps, and nothing, millions of people live and do not complain. Moreover, people from all over Russia are trying to move to this gloomy city. Our ancestors avoided building houses in swampy places, yes. But only because such construction is unsafe. And now experts advise to invite a surveyor to assess all the risks, whether the groundwater will wash away the foundation, whether the construction will crack due to the capricious soil.

But it is believed that swamps are formed at the site of faults in the earth’s crust. And where there are faults, there are geopathogenic zones, over which it is harmful to live: people are more likely to get cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and suffer from mental disorders. The most dangerous swamps are drained, since the water no longer holds back the negative. On the other hand, the Japanese, adherents of breathing practices, believe that swamp air is very beneficial for health. “Where mosses grow, a person can live calmly and unhurriedly, being in complete harmony with himself and nature,” they say in the Land of the Rising Sun.

The problem with towers is the same as with power lines, that is, electromagnetic pollution. But it is very much shielded by the walls of the house. In addition, no service will allow setting up a tower dangerously close to residential buildings. Moreover, as the engineers working in the companies – mobile operators say, the radiation that the mobile gives is many times higher than the cell tower. Moreover, the farther it is, the greater the radiation power emanating from the phone: the gadget “strains” with a bad signal. And experts also remind that in almost every shopping center an antenna is sewn under the ceiling to distribute Wi-Fi and amplify the mobile signal. So, compared to all these joys, the radiation of a cell tower is just a puff.

Until now, cities have this trouble – factories and combines within the city. It is unambiguously harmful to live next to waste processing plants, with enterprises of the oil and gas industry, metallurgical plants and plants, poultry farms, thermal power plants, asphalt concrete plants, nuclear reactors (including research reactors). And there are also shipbuilding complexes and car factories … In general, the fewer industrial facilities nearby, the better. After all, this is all – noise, air pollution, poisoned soil and other environmental “joys”.

There is nothing to clarify here. We all remember the story of Volokolamsk, where the landfill literally poisons the residents of the city. People simply choke in smoke when the landfill burns, choke when the waste decomposes under the sun. There is no need to talk about the quality of water and soil either – poisonous miasma from garbage dumps poison everything around.

When we just walk down the street, children get all the most poisonous exhaust gases: they quickly settle and concentrate at a height of about 60-80 centimeters. Imagine if you have a bridge or a road junction right under your windows? Endless soot on glass is the lesser of evils. Exhaust gases, full of carcinogens, picked up by the free wind, will scatter around the neighborhood, flying into windows and settling on the walls of nearby houses. Not to mention, it is very noisy, and sometimes even the glass shakes due to the vibration generated by the transport. The same, by the way, applies to tram depots and railways. Living next to them is not sugar.

By the way, feng shui also mentions roads and bridges. A house next to a road will lose energy if it is not separated from the road by trees. Supporters of the Eastern doctrine are sure that negative energy flows along the roads. And if there is a bridge or overpass, then the negative also spreads up.

They say that a strong flow of energy comes from the side of the cemeteries. A person is not always able to cope with this flow, therefore it is advised not to settle near burial places. Well, or at least make sure that the windows face the other way. For the same reason, it is recommended not to buy housing near churches: there were often cemeteries near them. Well, the most unfavorable neighborhood is prisons, hospitals, clinics, police stations and even nightclubs and casinos. Their territory is always filled with negative energy.

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