Why you can’t leave a knife on the table at night – a sign

It turns out that this is a sure way to get yourself into trouble and completely ruin the “weather in the house.”

There is a saying: “People have cats so that there is something to write off the strange sounds in the house.” It sounds a little scary, but surely each of us has come across inexplicable phenomena in our own apartment: incomprehensible sounds, things are not where they were left, flickering shadows, visible only with peripheral vision. Our ancestors believed that this is a brownie – the spirit of the house. And they tried with all their might not to anger him. After all, the offended brownie will take revenge.

This spirit is usually completely harmless. After all, his purpose is to protect the house in which he lives. He can warn about trouble, will keep order and take care of pets, help to find a lost thing. And it also drives away thieves and simply unkind people who wish evil to the owners from the apartment.

If the brownie is offended, he can start nasty. Signs that he is offended:

– things disappear and are not at all where you put them;

– the linen in the closet is crumpled;

– crumbs are scattered on the table cleaned the day before;

– someone rustles and sighs.

And the most favorite pastime of an offended brownie is to hide a thing. You will spend hours cutting circles around the apartment, trying to find where you put your keys, glasses or wallet, and then you will see the loss in the most conspicuous place. But it is not a fact that on the same day, and, perhaps, you will need the help of household members or guests.

It is very easy to make a brownie angry. He is worried about your well-being, so he behaves like a strict parent when the child does stupid things.

One of the biggest reasons a brownie might be offended by you is dirty dishes left overnight and sharp objects on the table. In no case should you throw knives uncleaned at night! So are the forks. Otherwise, you will have to placate the brownie for a long time.

There are other reasons why he is angry.

1. If you scold, swear, and even shout, do not expect favor from the brownie.

2. He does not tolerate partying with an abundance of alcohol when quarrels break out out of the blue.

3. The brownie cannot stand tobacco smoke. So quit smoking if you suddenly have such a bad habit.

4. Master’s laziness: disorder, brownie dust just enrage.

5. Things do not have their place – this is not to the spirit of the home spirit either.

6. You cannot offend cats – these are special animals for the brownie.

If suddenly strange things began to happen in your house, you need to try to eliminate the cause of the brownie’s dissatisfaction: clean up, wash the dishes, learn to solve issues peacefully, without screaming and scandals. It is difficult, of course, but the peace in the house has not bothered anyone yet.

Well, there is a second way. Yes, you understood everything correctly: the brownie needs to be treated. He loves fresh rye bread, especially sprinkled with salt; Sweet muffins or pies a slice of meat and a potato will work too. The treat should be left on the table in the kitchen overnight, and in the morning come first and eat it. You cannot throw out the treat – it is insulting to the brownie.

In addition, brownies love socializing. You need to talk to him – they can’t read minds. And I want to chat. Therefore, if you greet him by entering the apartment, he will certainly appreciate it.


Do you believe in brownies?

  • No, of course, this is all nonsense and superstition.

  • When I could not find glasses, I was ready to believe in unicorns at least.

  • Sometimes things happen that nothing else can explain.

  • Maybe I believe, maybe not. But it doesn’t hurt to cajole – it won’t get any worse.

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