Why you can’t keep a monster at home

Why you can’t keep a monster at home

Monstera is a beautiful exotic plant, characterized by large, bizarre leaves. Many growers do not dare to grow it at home, allegedly it is forbidden. There are many myths about why you can’t keep a monster at home. But they all do not stand up to criticism and are, in fact, ordinary horror stories.

Growing monstera: myths and reality

Many impressionable people who believe in omens believe that this flower cannot be kept at home and is only suitable for the office. This negative attitude is most likely due to the name of the plant, which is consonant with the word “monster”. But there is nothing terrible in the monster, because in translation her name means “bizarre, amazing coquette.”

A very beautiful monstera, why can’t you keep a plant at home, few people can answer

According to some superstitions, a monstera is a kind of energy vampire, and it takes away all strength from a person and destroys his career or personal life. But attributing their failures to this representative of the fauna is at least ridiculous.

According to one of the myths, monstera is extremely poisonous. But this is not entirely true, because it has been proven by science that it does not harm the body and does not cause allergic reactions. In addition, in some countries it is grown for fruit. However, there are microscopic needle-like formations on the leaves of the flower. On contact with mucous membranes, they can cause a burning sensation. But for this you need to start chewing on the foliage, which an adult reasonable person will not do. If you have small children or pets at home, just restrict their access to the plant.

Why is it worth growing a monster at home

First of all, the “whimsical coquette” is notable for its incredible beauty and decorativeness. It will become the highlight of the room and will fit into any interior. In addition, the monstera has an unpretentious character and it is a pleasure to take care of her. Indeed, in order for it to please with good and fast growth, it only needs to be watered and fed periodically, and also transplanted as it grows. That’s all the simple rules for leaving.

For the peoples of Southeast Asia, this flower is the keeper of the hearth, and it is often placed at the entrance to the dwelling. In addition, it is believed that the monstera brings health, so it is placed at the head of the patient.

Monstera is a very healthy crop that takes root well at home. This incredibly beautiful representative of the fauna will bring many benefits, because its leaves enrich the air with oxygen, and also absorb harmful substances and retain dust particles. So do not believe any omens and superstitions and be sure to get this exotic coquette.

1 Comment

  1. Monstera အပင်လေးကို အခန်းထဲ တွင် ထား၍ စိုက်သင့်ပါသလား ရှင်

    သူ အရွက်လေး ကို မြင် ရင် ဘယ်လို သဘောကျမှန်း မသိဘူး

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