Why you can’t go on a diet in the fall

If over the summer you did not manage to lose those extra pounds, now it is better to postpone the idea of ​​losing weight.

Most often, during the warm summer months, when there is an opportunity to actively spend time in the fresh air and eat more natural vegetables and fruits, our physical shape improves noticeably. However, already at the beginning of autumn, many notice that changes begin to take place in the body, the worst of which for girls is an increasing appetite and, as a result, weight gain. Should I panic and go on a diet abruptly?

It seems to us that a couple of extra pounds is a consequence of the slower pace of life with the onset of September, but in fact everything in nature is interconnected. Gaining weight in the fall is normal: this is how the body prepares for winter. Moreover, the biological clock works mercilessly – even if the “supplies” are already available, nothing will prevent them from increasing. Do you need to sharply limit yourself in food in such a situation? Nutritionists do not recommend doing this, since by disrupting natural processes, we risk aggravating the situation. The result can be breakdowns and overeating, hormonal disruptions, and other negative health effects.

The beginning of autumn is a period of global stress for our body. Colds, gloom outside the window and the feeling that vacation is not coming soon – all this often plunges people into a blues and even depression. That is why psychologists support nutritionists that September and October are not the best months to use radical methods of losing weight. It is especially risky to sit down at this time on rigid, low-carb diets. As you know, the consumption of carbohydrates affects the brain and our mood. When the body is already under stress, a sharp reduction in them can affect the excessive production of stress hormones. As a result, the diet will lead to the fact that you become uncontrollably overeating, exacerbating the situation.

Violation of biological rhythms and high levels of stress are not at all what the body needs when the season of colds and viral infections begins. In a depressed state, we are always more susceptible to diseases, because in this situation, immunity suffers greatly. With aggressive diets, the risk of undermining it completely increases due to the fact that sharp restrictions are imposed on certain food groups.

In the fall, fatty fish, rich in vitamin D, cannot be excluded from the diet.

So, for example, if your meal plan excludes the consumption of oily fish, such a diet should be urgently abandoned. The fact is that this product contains vitamin D, important for our body. Recent research by scientists has proven that in the summer we get it from sunlight, but with a decrease in the number of fine days, we begin to experience a sharp deficit. By excluding the possibility of replenishing the reserves of this and other trace elements in a gastronomic way, we always risk our health.

Of course, all the above risks are not a reason to completely abandon your physical form and start eating whatever. Autumn is the best time to organize a truly rational diet, within which it is important to listen to your body, but not indulge yourself in any gastronomic whims. Avoid radical diets that can exacerbate the autumn blues, but eat a balanced diet that provides the body with a supply of essential nutrients and micronutrients. To avoid overusing food, try not to see it as a way to cheer yourself up. An alternative to the chocolate bar can be a jog in the fresh air. Sport is an inexhaustible source of endorphins, using which you do not have to pay with extra centimeters at the waist.

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