Why you can’t exercise: 5 reasons

“I’ll start training on Monday” is the most common excuse for postponing fitness classes. However, Mondays pass and nothing changes. What prevents most people from getting off the couch and starting to exercise?

It is difficult to force yourself to move somewhere, to develop, but no one will do it except you. On the other hand, what happens when you reach your goal? Nothing. You will not become happier. You will not be cast envious glances. Nothing will change until you understand why you need this sport. Until you have the right motivation, you will always break down and fall into a vicious circle of “I’ll start on Monday.” What’s stopping you from getting motivated?

Terminology features

What is sport? These are exhausting workouts, the purpose of which is to win the competition, to get a medal. And the price of this result is health: show at least one healthy athlete. They already enter their youth and adolescence with a number of “sores” and injuries. Bodybuilding is a sport, powerlifting is a sport, running is a sport, crossfit is also a sport.

This does not mean that you need to lie on the couch. Quite the opposite. An ordinary person (not an athlete) needs to move as much and as varied as possible. But without fanaticism. It used to be called physical culture or gymnastics. Today is fitness. Sport cripples, physical education heals.

Even the ancient philosopher Claudius Galen (129-201 AD) promoted health-improving gymnastics, condemning the passion for sports of ancient Roman athletes. He put it quite sharply: “Neglecting the old rule of health, which prescribes moderation in everything, they spend their lives in excessive training, eating a lot and sleeping a lot. They have neither health nor beauty. Even those of them who are naturally well-built will eventually become stout. They can fell and hurt, but they can’t fight.”

Striving for fast results

Each of us is a child at heart who wants everything at once, including in terms of sports. We do not think about the fact that from sedentary work we have forgotten how to move correctly. Our muscles are not ready for barbells, timed crosses and long swims.

First you need to strengthen the muscles and joints, and then strive for a significant result. Start building your house from the foundation, not from the roof.

Laziness is a coach’s mistake

In most cases, training starts to break down due to the fact that we are becoming lazy. We are tired, “lost”, do not see the result, and even all the muscles hurt and the back “falls off”.

This is the mistake of either the coach or the student himself, who imagines himself to be a coach.

fitness punishment

The trainer should not be a Cerberus all the time and “punish” his ward with fitness. The training process should bring joy, and a person should leave the session at least as healthy and joyful as he came. And as a maximum – in an even better condition and mood, because it became easier to move: the back was released, the head and knees stopped hurting, lightness formed in the body.

Very often people come to the gym to “work off” the cake they have eaten, to punish themselves for relaxing on the weekend. Such fitness will not be a pleasure, but will cause only negative emotions.

Compliance with the schedule

The sports regimen implies a dosed load, recovery (including medication), work with specialists and adherence to the schedule, both training and nutrition. You can’t meet friends, go to the movies, celebrate the birthdays of relatives when you want. There is a mode in which hours are strictly set aside for personal time, food and sleep. When you need to do something under pressure, not understanding why all this torment, zero motivation!

Therefore, fitness training should be based not on the principles of a sports regime, but on general strengthening physical culture.

Why can’t I start or continue

And finally, here are the reasons why you fail to exercise regularly:

1. Incorrectly formulated goal and task. Unfortunately, many of us tend to think like this:

  • “I’m 35, it’s time to go in for sports”,
  • “a marathon without preparation is nonsense”,
  • Crossfit and bodybuilding for everyone
  • “Split and gymnastics are mine, in my 40s I can do it quite well.”

2. Attitude to fitness as a punishment for eating a bun or pizza.

3. Reluctance to improve the figure and health. And so everything is fine, why change something.

4. Unsuccessful previous training experience (usually associated with injuries from the wrong approach to fitness).

5. Pressure from the media, fitness clubs and trainers who impose stereotypes and create false values.

And one more important point: it is easier to start than to continue. To create a habit, you need to love exercise, with all your heart. When physical education gives a feeling of lightness and comfort, you no longer need to motivate yourself – going to a fitness club becomes as much fun as going to the movies.

About expert

Anton Shapochka – Expert of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit.

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