Why you can’t eat in bed

Why you can’t eat in bed

TV in the bedroom, TV channel – how can you do without a bowl of popcorn right on the bed. But it would be worth getting by.

Breakfast in bed is romantic. Especially if there is a special table for the bed. But if you like to have a snack without getting out of bed, even in the evening … Insomnia, excess weight, caries – this is not a complete list of side effects of such a hobby.

Excess weight

Oh yes, it was he. First, the last meal of the day should be no later than three hours before bedtime. Not in half an hour. Secondly, usually we do not take fat-free cottage cheese or chicken breast with us under the covers. And chips, cookies, candy, ice cream and other not the healthiest food. Thirdly, eating it all mindlessly, looking at the TV screen or flipping through the tape on your phone, you run the risk of overeating. You will mechanically throw the next bite into your mouth, not paying attention to what you really do not want to eat. Fifth, you run the risk of developing the habit of seizing stress. Of course, the easiest way to deal with problems is with a bucket of ice cream. But if you eat it while sitting at the table, eat less.


Croutons, chips, crackers – these are all spicy foods rich in spices and salt. It causes heartburn once or twice. Moreover, the unpleasant symptoms intensify when you are lying down. This is because acid from the stomach begins to rise up the esophagus. Over time, this can lead to serious problems not only with weight, but also with the esophagus.


It seems that snacks are weightless food. But it’s actually pretty heavy. It is difficult for the body to cope with such a load. Junk food acts like coffee at night. Therefore, chips and other snacks often guarantee you insomnia. If you really want to eat (really want), it is better to eat a plate of buckwheat porridge with milk. Then you will fall asleep faster, and in the morning you will wake up rested, not chewed.


Falling asleep while watching a movie – it doesn’t happen to anyone. Doctors say that this is not very useful: it is better to sleep in complete darkness and not look into any gadgets at least an hour before bedtime. But there is another danger: you haven’t brushed your teeth. It turns out that they literally fell asleep with popcorn in their mouth. Of course, this will affect the health of your teeth and gums.


She has nothing to do with health. But consider this: you are unlikely to look really attractive by eating spaghetti under the covers. And the crumbs that inevitably fall on the sheet? Greasy spots, sticky spots, just unpleasant looking spots are all the consequences of having a snack in bed. Sloppy, untidy and ugly. Don’t turn your bed into a graveyard of late night snacks.

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