Why you can’t eat cold after hot: doctor’s opinion

And it’s not just about possible dental problems. Temperature changes are fraught with other consequences.

“Go eat before it gets cold!” – any of us remembers this cry from childhood. Burning, blowing on a spoon with borscht, pulling hot tea, we consider it quite normal. Especially in winter, when food is one way to keep warm. However, scientists recently announced that hot food and scalding tea are harmful to health and can even lead to cancer. And the optimal food temperature is about 60 degrees.

Nutritionist, ems trainer, rehabilitation therapist, sports psychologist

“Warm food is easier to digest and provides more nutrients to the body. This important process can be interrupted by a cold smoothie for dessert. This way you will devalue your lunch. The stomach simply will not have time to isolate the nutrients that it should have received from the main meal. “

Why food needs to be warm

At first, such food keeps the feeling of fullness for a long time. Because it takes about three hours to digest.

Secondly, cold food leaves the stomach faster. But the small intestine will also not be able to absorb nutrients in this case. In general, due to such a habit, the gastrointestinal tract can malfunction. As a result, metabolism may be disturbed and dysbiosis may manifest.

Thirdly, cold drinks can provoke tonsillitis and other chronic diseases. However, Dr. Komarovsky believes that, on the contrary, cold drinks and ice cream help to harden the throat and get rid of endless colds.

Some foods are not digested at all when cold. For example, meat or fish. Even if cold meat is tasty, the protein from it will pass by the body.

“The dish must be reheated,” says the expert.

This is another reason why it is worth giving up smoked meats and salinity: smoked mackerel or lightly salted salmon are very tasty, but their benefits are minimal. And salt is too much, it is definitely not useful.

In addition, Maria Volynkina complained about the habit of drinking cold drinks with food. That is, it is impossible not only to eat hot cold, but also to drink it down.

“I repeat, this order of eating will not be able to fully saturate. In literally an hour and a half you will want to eat something again. And this is fraught with excess weight! Note that many business lunches and other dinners rarely include hot drinks. Most often they include compote, juice and uzvar, ”the expert explains.

In addition, due to sudden changes in temperature, tooth enamel can be damaged. After some time, cracks will appear, then caries.

When is it better to eat hot and when to eat cold

For food to really benefit, and not just serve as a source of satiety, you need to know important rules. Cold dishes should be avoided during breakfast and dinner. It was at this time that the metabolism was slowed down. Therefore, you need to help the stomach and choose warm food. But for lunch, you can afford your favorite ice cream or smoothie.

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