Why you can’t dry your clothes on the balcony: 4 reasons

By the way, you should not do this on the street either, if you do not live on the edge of the earth, far from civilization.

Drying clothes is a real headache. In an ordinary small apartment, a dryer with socks and towels always hanging on it looks, to put it mildly, ugly. Dry on the street? Once upon a time, our mothers and grandmothers did just that, and it was perfect: the linen smelled fresh, dried out quickly. Now such a situation within the city limits is difficult to imagine. Maybe a balcony? But there are also nuances here.

It would seem that what can get in the way? There is a balcony, there is linen: stretched the ropes under the ceiling – and sushi for yourself. There are a lot of pluses:

  • quickly dries,

  • smells good,

  • solar ultraviolet disinfects linen,

  • easier to iron.

But now let’s talk about the cons.

Drying clothes on the balcony is only good if your balcony is glazed. If not, then there may be trouble.

At first, the laundry can easily get dirty due to birds that like to coo under your window. By the way, read HERE how to get rid of them.

Secondly, are you so confident in your upstairs neighbors? They never spill anything from the balcony, water the flowers standing there, or throw cigarette butts? But all this happiness flies directly to the balcony – and onto the linen.

Thirdly, drying clothes on the balcony may incur administrative liability on you.

“To avoid trouble, you need to remember the rules for living in multi-apartment residential buildings. The vault states that drying of linen is carried out only inside the balcony. It is also forbidden to clutter up the loggias with things, especially from the side of the facade. It is necessary to plant flowers only inside the loggia and water them without damaging the lower floor. “

Moreover, devices in the form of metal fasteners and ropes directly on the wall – such are made in houses where there are no balconies – are illegal.

“The facade of the building is the common property of an apartment building (clause 1 of article 36 of the RF LC, article 244 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, clause 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.08.2006 No. 491” On approval of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building “), and it is not recommended to distort it, ”our expert clarifies.

But there is also fourthlyand this is perhaps the most important point. A wet cloth works like a filter. You’ve probably heard this advice: if something burns in the kitchen or something foul smelling spills in the house, hang wet laundry on the batteries. It absorbs unpleasant odors like a sponge.

So, if the laundry dries in the open air, it absorbs the smell of overcooked oil from the lower floor, and the exhaust gases of cars passing by, and all kinds of carcinogens that the city air is full of. Therefore, laundry outside can be dried only if you live in an environmentally friendly place.

1 Comment

  1. Als het mooi weer is, hang ik mijn kleren op balkon. Wat ik merkt is dat alles worden stoffen. Dus ik ga stoppen met keren ophangen op het balkon. Uw opmerking zijn goede tip.

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