Why you can not pickle cucumbers in aluminum dishes

Sour cabbage in such containers is also not worth it – and here’s why.

Aluminum cookware is famous for its lightness, thermal conductivity, durability and low price. However, for all its benefits, it can negatively affect human health. Indeed, in its manufacture, not pure aluminum is used, but its alloys. They may include lead, zinc, beryllium and arsenic, which are not the most useful trace elements for humans. Therefore, it is very important to know what the kitchen utensils are made of.

The main disadvantage of aluminum cookware is rapid oxidation and toxicity. Scientists have shown that the level of aluminum in the brain tissues of Alzheimer’s patients is higher than in the brain of a healthy person. This metal enters the body, including from the use of such a container.

Note that according to the rules of SanPiN (sanitary and epidemiological standards), such dishes are prohibited in preschool institutions. The fact is that this metal reacts with some of the products. As a result, compounds are formed that are dangerous to humans.

In addition, dishes cooked in aluminum pans can change their taste. Therefore, after the end of cooking, it is better to transfer them to containers made of other materials – porcelain, earthenware, glass, even steel.

What cannot be cooked in aluminum cookware

First of all, dishes containing acids and salts… Aluminum, coming into contact with them, releases toxic substances. Therefore, one should not experiment with compote, pickle, cabbage soup, jam etc. Also not recommended salt cabbage or cucumbers in a similar container. Otherwise, the marinade, which contains vinegar and spices, as well as acids formed during fermentation, can destroy the protective film of the dishes. As a result, metal particles will enter the body and harm health. But you can often see that cabbage is fermented in flasks or tanks made of thick aluminum.

In addition, it is best not to use galvanized iron and steel buckets for blanks. Salting cucumbers is best in an enamel saucepan, ceramic container, plastic container, or glass jar.

How to remove dark deposits from the sides of an aluminum pan?

  • Soak a sponge with vinegar and wipe the dirty areas. Then rinse the container with warm water.

  • If the aluminum dish is very blackened, then boil 4 tbsp. l. vinegar for 15 minutes.

  • Dissolve 10 g of borax in a dirty container (an aqueous solution is sold in a pharmacy) and add a few drops of ammonia. Leave the mixture for an hour. Then rinse the container with warm water.

  • You can also remove burnt food using sliced ​​apple slices.

“I do not recommend cooking in aluminum pans. Any protective film is prone to destruction. No matter how durable it is, it wears out. In addition, most often we have pots in our homes, which are passed on from generation to generation. Nowadays, aluminum cookware is rarely bought new.

This metal is dangerous because it is deposited in the brain tissue, which ultimately, after decades, can adversely affect the brain activity of a person, in old age it can be associated with dementia. It’s not scary to eat from an aluminum container once: there will be no direct poisoning, but it’s definitely not worth doing this all your life. It is only good to heat milk in an aluminum container so that it does not burn, otherwise it is better to refuse it. “

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