Why you can eat pasta after 10 pm without fear for your figure

We also debunk other popular food myths.

Lean Ward, 28, a popular online fitness nutritionist, shares her weight loss secrets. When it comes to healthy food, many believe that it must be expensive and take a long time to prepare, but Lin in an interview with the site Femail says the exact opposite: “Being healthy is not difficult, boring and not expensive.”

Most of Lin’s clients limit their carbohydrate intake before bed, believing they will gain weight. But this will not happen if the food consumed is within the so-called energy budget! This means that any super-nutritious substances (carbohydrates, fats, proteins) lead to weight gain if they are in excess (more than the body needs). If the calories you absorb at night do not exceed the needs of your body, then you will not gain weight.

Everything is very simple! It doesn’t matter what you eat – carbohydrates, proteins, fats, or a combination of both. You will not get fat if you do not exceed the needs of your body.

The main recommendation and secret is to combine the consumption of carbohydrates with exercise, since the body absorbs them most easily after exercise. Lin eats 150 grams of rice every night after training. She also consumes carbohydrates in the morning before exercise, and her weight remains stable, because the body needs carbohydrates to restore the expended energy, cites her findings to the Daily Mail… Carbohydrates are not the enemies of losing weight!

She does not call for counting calories, exhausting yourself with workouts and daily weighing. Lin wants to teach women to love their bodies, nourish them properly, and move regularly.

She often posts pictures on Instagram, encouraging people not to be too critical of themselves due to inaccuracies in their diet. For example, she posted a photo of a plate of pasta with the caption “500 calories”, which she ate at 5 pm, and next to it – a photo of the same pasta, but eaten at 10 pm, and made a comic inscription: “The same 500 calories”!

Lin tries to eat every three to four hours because she leads a very active lifestyle. This is what she eats in a day.

Breakfast: poached eggs with toast and vegetables, homemade muesli with Greek yogurt, oats with seeds soaked in the evening and some protein powder.

Lunch: a piece of fruit, a quarter cup of nuts and seeds with soy cappuccino, cheese and carrot sticks, homemade protein balls.

Lunch: salad with tofu, cheese and grilled sweet potatoes, shawarma with tuna, salad and cheese, rice noodles with vegetables and lean protein.

Snack: natural Greek yogurt with one teaspoon of chia seeds and two teaspoons of homemade granola, a piece of some fruit and a fiber-rich granola bar.

Dinner: two-egg omelet with vegetables and a couple of toasts, grilled salmon with brown rice and stews, homemade pizza or pita with vegetables and lean meat.

Before bedtime: a piece of some fruit, a few slices of good chocolate.

Carbohydrates in the evening should not harm us if we do not exceed the recommended maximum allowance. Plus, they might even be useful! According to some studies, carbohydrates before bed can help you sleep better and better.

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