Why women leave men: 5 reasons

Sometimes her departure leaves him perplexed: “What’s wrong?” But more often than not, a man simply does not want to notice that his partner is not satisfied with their relationship. In fact, there are five simple reasons that are listed and explained for those who want to understand the “female psychology”.

These red flags stop women from taking the next step in a relationship. The list was compiled by psychologists based on a survey of more than 10 participants. By default, they were not expected to tolerate any form of violence, so those reasons were out of the question.

This is how the rating of what women consider unacceptable in the behavior of men was distributed.


Almost all participants put this quality in the first place. Women do not like to deal with men who are guided by the principle of “we will do everything as you say”, thereby transferring them the initiative in making decisions.

“If I have to determine from the very beginning where we will go for the weekend, which movie we will watch and which restaurant we will have dinner, and he only gratefully follows me, then in the future, most likely, he will delegate even more serious decisions to me,” Tatiana thinks.

“There are no pleasant romantic surprises with such behavior of a man here,” Olga notes. “Besides, he seems to absolve himself of any responsibility.”

In the case when a man in a relationship is not active enough, an important balance of interchange is violated – giving and receiving. A woman constantly feels in the role of a strong and leading partner. Most do not accept such a distribution of roles.

Irresponsible fatherhood

Unwillingness to take responsibility for children from previous marriages is recognized as the second most important factor that destroys any desire to take relationships seriously.

“I liked the man, but I suddenly found out: he did everything possible to pay the lowest possible alimony, and for a year he has hardly seen his children,” Varvara admits. “It immediately put a wall between us. If he cannot take care of the most precious thing – his children, how can I rely on him? This means that he will betray me and our possible common children someday. The partner’s indifferent attitude towards their own children stops both those women who already have their own child and those who do not.

Willingness to settle for little

“When a woman seeks to be with a successful man, she is often suspected of mercenary intentions, they call her a money hunter,” Alla says. – Yes, there are certainly such women, but the reluctance to be with a person who “needs little” is quite understandable to me. I am categorically against the philosophy “with a sweet paradise and in a hut.” If he does not aspire anywhere, then, most likely, I cannot make joint plans with him, implying a prosperous and interesting life.

Women noted that the complacency of a partner would lead to the fact that it would be difficult for them to develop next to such a person. Different life goals will inevitably move away from each other.

At the same time, the survey participants were tolerant of the fact that at the time of their acquaintance, their chosen one had not reached significant heights and his social status was very modest. The key point is the reluctance to move forward and make plans for the future.

bad sex

By choosing a man, a woman ceased to see in him mainly a protector and breadwinner who would help her survive in a difficult world. An equal partner is becoming more and more in demand, who, among other things, will satisfy her in bed.

And even if he is just a reliable, decent person and a potentially good father, she is not ready to turn a blind eye to sexual incompatibility.

“If he wants to be with me, then I don’t want to play a woman in bed who is happy with everything, just not to disappoint him,” says Karina. “It is important for me that a man thinks not only about himself, but also about my desires, is ready to talk openly about sex and seeks to please me.”

Laziness and unhealthy lifestyle

“I refuse to date a man who likes the Internet more than pumped-up press,” Kira joked. If a few years ago, women more easily forgave men for lack of sportiness, now this factor has entered the top five “red flags”.

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