In case you can’t find a compelling argument for your man to shave off his beard.
Many people think that a man with a beard looks very sexy, but some girls are real “beard haters” and we know why.
“Beard adds age”
A beard can really add age (as well as an unsuccessful men’s haircut). The same man with and without a beard looks different: with facial hair, he is older, and more and more often hears instead of the usual address “young man” – “man”. If you are 35, then with a beard you can look 5-7 years older, without it – as much younger. You can … if you do not choose the right shape, in accordance with the configuration of the face and other individual characteristics. But we will not argue with the ladies.
“Men perceive a beard as a handkerchief that is always with you”
It is only the bristles in men that are as stiff as emery, but the overwhelming majority of beards are soft, with excellent absorbency. And men know it. This means that there is a risk that in the heat of heated debates about the legality of anti-Russian sanctions, you can accidentally use your own beard as a napkin. And what? But what if? In addition, men who have lost their vigilance during feasts can leave the remnants of all the dishes tasted during the evening in their beards.
“Employers don’t like bearded men”
Well, if you are an experienced plumber or work 10 months a year in the Arctic Circle, your beard is unlikely to become a stumbling block when applying for a job. But if you come for an interview at a large corporation, perhaps the dress code adopted there may contradict your view of what a good specialist should look like. Not a fact, but women believe that this option is quite possible.
“With a beard, a man looks like a walking dust collector.”
Women for the most part are ardent opponents of dust, so in their homes there is no place not only for the beloved carpet of her husband’s great-grandmother, but also for any objects that can attract dust. Even animate (cats and cats do not count, this is sacred). Women are sure that dust and dirt constantly accumulates in the beard (even if you constantly visit the barbershop), which easily penetrates the respiratory tract. And if the bearded man also constantly climbs with kisses – wow, how unhygienic! The best thing is to remove all the vegetation from your face!
“Unpleasant odors tend to be absorbed into the beard.”
Many women with a heightened sense of smell claim that the smell of a beard can be used to determine the occupation of its owner. The chef’s beard smells of burnt cooking, the driver’s beard smells of low-quality gasoline, the builder’s beard smells of paint and concrete. I wonder what the bankers’ beards smell like?
“Men get a beard to hide their emotions”
It turns out that in the thickets of the beard, you can hide from the wife the malicious grin that arose on the face after contemplating the wife’s new dress, two sizes smaller than necessary. Or hide the joy of the news of the cancellation of the next trip to the mother-in-law with her forever rubber pancakes, or disappointment when the wife’s haircut did not work out very well this time. And much more … And therefore – there is no place for a beard on the husband’s face! A woman should know and see everything and will not tolerate any male tricks.