Even despite the high caloric load that comes with the use of lard, in the women’s diet of this product is difficult to find a replacement.
It’s all about the unique arachidonic acid. It is an unsaturated fat that is so common in nature. And this acid has the most beneficial effect on the entire female body: wrinkles are smoothed, the skin as a whole is rejuvenated. These rare unsaturated fats regulate the hormonal system and make a woman’s skin supple and elastic.
In fat, fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E) and unsaturated fatty acids are combined with lecithin, which allows us to clean our blood vessels from excess cholesterol plaques.
Fat also helps remove toxins and radionuclides. The product is absorbed much better than its closest “relative” – butter.
And Canadian scientists have added to all the other beneficial properties of lard the ability of the product to improve intellectual performance and strengthen the immune system. This conclusion was reached by Canadians in their study. Therefore, before the exam, an important agreement or a serious “brainstorming” will not prevent you from eating delicious lard.
And remember, only then the fat will damage the figure and will be deposited on the sides, legs and arms, if you have it without measure. And if you use a small amount of this product, on the contrary, it will only be useful.
Bless you!