Scientists have explained in detail why the fruit “apples” was ranked as “rejuvenating”. They tend to rejuvenate the body over the years. And they allow you to look much younger than your age. Especially their effect applies to women. If they eat one fruit a day throughout their lives, then in adulthood they gain outwardly by 17 years in comparison with their peers.
British experts have confirmed this theory in practice. They conducted an experiment in which 100 women aged 25-45 took part. The experts suggested that the participants eat one fruit per day for six months. All this time, doctors monitored changes in women’s health and appearance. And as a result, they found out that if you take the rejuvenation process, obtained in just six months, multiply by 15-20 years, then we can say with confidence that the only apple eaten per day makes it possible for mature women to seem 17 years younger! How does the fruit act in a similar way on the body?
According to doctors, the “culprits” of the rejuvenating effect are two substances that make up it – polyphenols and flavonoids. Being responsible for the regulation of the oxidative process in the body, they normalize the microflora of the body, remove toxins from it and stabilize the functioning of the heart, pancreas and liver. Such changes in the body are reflected in the appearance and make you look much younger.