Why wear a red thread on the wrist: the story of the mascot

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You will learn about the origin of the tradition of tying a red woolen thread on the wrist. How to do it correctly so that the amulet works. From what misfortunes the talisman is able to protect its owner.

The red lace can be seen on the wrists of young people who wear it more for beauty, without much sense. It is worn by media personalities who pay tribute to fashion. Elderly people tie a red thread to fight the disease.

It is a talisman against the evil eye, damage and envy, which is equipped with the protection of Mars, thanks to its color. Protecting the owner, the talisman brings good luck. The bracelet thread protects not only adults, but also babies from envious eyes and dead souls.

Why wear a red thread on the wrist: the story of the mascot

Up to one year old babies are weak energetically. In ancient times, the umbilical cord of newborns was cut with a red thread, protecting from dark forces.

Such a talisman is worn on the left hand. On this side, all the negative energy of a person accumulates. Since ancient times, they believe that the Devil sits on the left shoulder of a person, who incites him to vile deeds. However, in some countries the thread is worn on the right hand. In India, for example, she helps girls to marry successfully.

The history of the appearance of the red thread

Legends about the red thread exist in the history of many peoples. And although myths also differ in different cultures, the thread is nevertheless endowed with a sacred meaning.


Representatives of the occult trend of Kabbalism ascribe unique properties to the hands. So, the right one is considered to be giving, and the left one is considered to be receiving. Therefore, through the left hand, both good and evil can come to a person.

A red thread, charged in a special way, is tied around the left wrist. So she protects a person and has a beneficial effect on fate.


From generation to generation, gypsies pass on the legend about their patroness – Saint Sara Kali. After a strong storm, Sarah helped the holy apostles to land on the shore. As a reward for this act, the mothers of the apostles honored her to choose a baron.

Sarah pulled a long thread from her red woolen shawl. Then I cut it into several pieces to tie around the wrists of each of the candidates. Imagine the surprise when the thread on the hand of one of the men lit up with a wondrous radiance.

Since that time, gypsies have been tying red strings on the hands of applicants for the title of senior baron in the camp.

Ancient Slavs

The goddess Lybid among the ancient Slavs, according to legend, tied a fence with a red thread, protecting the house and its owners from misfortune. On the left hand, a thread was worn to protect from the evil eye and damage. They put on the right hand when they wanted to find good luck in business.

In addition, the thread helped to improve health, since it was believed that the scarlet color absorbs the pure energy of sinless animals and the powerful sun.

Thread features

Woolen threads are bought specifically in order to make an amulet out of them. A thread found by chance or received as a gift is not suitable for this purpose. It is good if the place of purchase is located in the vicinity of some shrine.

The threads for the amulet should be of a rich blood color. In Kabbalah, this shade symbolizes danger, therefore, it scares away everything that is unclean that can penetrate a person and reach his heart through the wrist of his left hand.

Energetic red – the color of aggression, power and protection, under the auspices of Mars – a warlike planet.

Only a woolen thread is suitable for creating a talisman, there is an explanation for this. Wool has the ability to store static electricity. But our ancestors did not know this, and by trial and error they gained experience.

Weak premature babies were laid on sheep wool mats to give them a chance to survive. Skin contact with wool improves blood flow and reduces inflammation. Natural material heals wounds and heals sprains.

How to tie a red thread on your arm

In order for the thread to acquire the properties of a talisman for its owner, it is important to properly fasten it on the hand. The thread is wrapped around the wrist exactly seven times, with each turn secured with a knot. It is believed that the thread should be tied by a relative or close person who wishes you well and happiness.

Why wear a red thread on the wrist: the story of the mascot

It is preferable if he has magical abilities, then the talisman will acquire a positive charge and great power. If there is no other person nearby, then you are allowed to tie a thread yourself, saying a prayer.

Why wear a red thread on the wrist: the story of the mascot

New-fashioned scarlet cords-bracelets with steel clasps, according to esotericists, have no magical power. They are worn solely for beauty. The main condition for the amulet to work for you is your belief in its miraculous properties. And how it will look in this case is not decisive.

If the red thread on the wrist breaks – what to do?

Nothing is eternal. If the talisman thread breaks, it must be burned (preferably on an icon lamp) while reading a prayer. You can’t throw it away, it was your strength and energy. This is not rubbish. Replace the lost amulet with a new one. Refreshing and rebooting is not bad!

😉 Friends, do you wear such a talisman? How does he help you? Leave comments on the topic “Why wear a red thread on the wrist”. Good luck to all!

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