Chinese doctors are sure that waking up at one time or another is a symptom that indicates deviations in the state of the body and problems in the emotional sphere. Why is this happening and what to do about it?
While we sleep, our brain is busy restoring the body. It seems to reboot all systems and organs in order to accumulate energy for the next day. And if we constantly wake up in the middle of the night, this is not good for our health. In Chinese medicine, it is generally accepted that the time of night awakenings indicates which organs are currently out of balance and which emotion prevents you from sleeping without interruptions.
What to do with this knowledge? Of course, to figure out exactly which organ and emotion declare themselves, as well as master exercises that will help you fall asleep.
Frustration and gallbladder
In Chinese medicine, it is believed that it is most beneficial to fall asleep before midnight. If you suddenly wake up between 23.00 pm and 01.00 am, such awakenings indicate problems with the gallbladder, as well as disappointment, which you may even be hiding from yourself.
How to fall asleep again? Without turning on the light, sit in bed and give yourself a massage. The gallbladder is located in the right hypochondrium. This area is part of the so-called “girdle canal”, which is described in the practices of acupuncture. He, based on the name, encircles our body under the lower ribs.
To direct energy there, place your palms on the solar plexus area, switch your attention to them and stroke the space along the “girdle channel” from the center to the right and left. Do the massage slowly, following your hands with attention. This will help relax the gallbladder area, normalize breathing, and after a few minutes you will feel that you are falling asleep.
Anger and the liver
If we wake up between 01.00 and 03.00, we can say with some certainty that we have problems with the liver, and also that we tend to experience anger. Perhaps we are awakened precisely by evil thoughts and memories that turn into dreams filled with rage.
Feeling angry, it is impossible to fall asleep and it is absolutely pointless to persuade yourself to do this. Therefore, I recommend getting up and walking – at least along the corridor. If possible, use the inside of the foot when walking – this is where the channel ends, which is associated with “small Yin” (energy associated with liver health and the emotion of anger).
After 5-10 minutes of “walking”, return to bed – and it will be much easier to fall asleep. If it doesn’t help, get up again and continue doing the exercise. Few people manage to stay without sleep for more than 2-3 repetitions.
Sadness and lungs
Sadness is associated in Chinese medicine with lung health. If you pay attention to chronically sad people, they tend to slouch – so that the tops of the lungs practically “do not breathe.” In modern medicine, this is not considered a disease, and the person himself does not feel that he has breathing problems. However, the imbalance, accumulating over the years, sooner or later leads to diseases of the respiratory system.
People with this complex of problems (lungs + sadness) wake up, as a rule, between 3 and 5 in the morning.
What can you do to help yourself sleep? Normalize breathing. Sit in bed, while inhaling, raise straight arms up, lower as you exhale. Repeat several times. And the dream will quickly return.
Waking up after 5 am
What if you wake up between 5 and 7 am? In fact, this is good: if you wake up rested, then this is the perfect time to get up. However, if you want to sleep, your task is to “lower” the rising energy: in a state of rest, our stock of vitality, according to Chinese doctors, should be stored in the lower abdomen. Do yourself a stomach massage – in a circular motion, clockwise. This will bring the “awakened” energy down and you will feel sleepy again.