Why we speak like this from the history of words and expressions: it’s interesting

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What is shantrapa

A long time ago, about two hundred years ago, in Russia among the rich it was fashionable to sing “in a European way”. The aristocrats selected artists for their choir chapels. High voices, the so-called “treble”, played an important role in the choir.

And there has always been a shortage of such singers. French choirmasters were engaged in the search for treble. They came to villages and listened to the voices of peasant boys. Those whom they considered capable of choral singing were sent into service, others – “untalented”, went back home.

At the same time, foreign choirmasters pronounced: “chantres pas” (or “chantre pa”), which means from French “will not sing”, “not a singer”.

The boys’ parents did not understand the foreign language, but the word “shantrapa” was quickly picked up, believing that it means “stupid”, “useless”, “useless”. Although it was not at all true.

Over time, the sonorous and slightly modified word “shantrapa” scattered across all Russian provinces, acquiring the meaning that we are talking about stupid juvenile hooligans.

I got like chickens in the cabbage soup

In ancient times, a rooster was called a “chicken”, but there was no trace of “cabbage soup” in the proverb. Initially, there was an expression: “I was plucked like chickens,” that is, I was plucked. Over time, the word “pluck” was transformed into a consonant “in cabbage soup”.

Rub glasses

If you think about it and imagine how the glasses are “rubbed in”? Why and what? According to many, we are talking about eyeglasses. But there is another meaning of the word “glasses”, which mean signs on playing cards.

Dexterous gamblers-sharpeners imperceptibly “rubbed their glasses” on the move, turning, for example, a four into a five. They did this using a special powder. This is where the word “eyewash” came from, meaning “to deceive”, “to cheat”.

Born in a shirt

It means a lucky person who is constantly lucky. This does not mean a shirt (shirt) as a type of clothing. This is what the membranes were called earlier. For example, the thin skin under the eggshell.

Sometimes newborns are born with their heads covered with a thin film, which then falls off. Ancestors considered such a fact to be a happy omen.

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